Jul 22, 2007 11:59
i was speaking with a girlfriend of mine this weekend and she told me about ovulation test sticks that i can take at home to determine the exact time of ovulation. i was planning on doing the same thing with my family doc but that meant i would have to go see him every week and the window of opportunity would be less because from what i've been told the first 6 hours of ovulation is the most crutial and sex in that first 6 hours gives you a higher chance of pregnancy.
so i thought what a great idea, at home ovulation tests ... but they're expensive unless i purchase off ebay. do any of you ladies have experiences with purchasing off ebay and would it be a smart idea to purchase something like this off ebay??? i'm torn. i found that most of the sticks off ebay are from china which kind of scares me ...
any advice or suggestions?