Mar 01, 2016 13:28
So thought I would follow up the sad post with a happy one!! Life is good here... Chaotic and loud and not much sleep but otherwise good! Michael is still kinda in his whiny/attitude phase but he has really come through when I need him the most. He gets himself dressed and ready for school and bed. He does homework with little pushing. He even cleans up messes that Callie makes to help me out. I don't think he gets the credit he deserves all the time but I'm trying to boost him up a bit more. He started a soccer team this weekend. The coaches kept switching out the ball when it went out of bounds so the kids could keep playing, but Michael didn't catch on to that, so at one point he chased the ball all the way down the park and kept kicking it. We had to reel him back in and into the field, Little kids and sports are so cute!
Callie started her terrible 2s early. She is all "I want this and if I don't get it I will yell and cry and freak out for excessive amounts of time in an attempt to wear you down". It's a battle of wills and with 3 kiddos versus me I'm not sure I'm gonna win lol. I plan to pull the diaper this weekend so fingers crossed potty trying goes well and quick so I can have 2 kiddos out of diapers.
Cameron is great... All smiles and coos and just melts my heart. She will start daycare in a month (booo) so I'm trying to soak up all my baby time I can. Now that she is about 2 months I'm trying to establish some sort of routine with 3 but with Mike working late hours it's mostly me cooking and putting everyone to bed alone, it's complete chaos and someone is always crying but we are managing ha!
Still not a huge fan of bama and haven't made any friends here. But I am thankful to be working from home during this time. I can't imagine getting 3 kids and myself ready in the mornings and in the evenings after being in an office. I can cook dinner before I pick them up so all i have to do Is put it in a plate when we get home, and I can get laundry and stuff done during the week so the weekends aren't all work and no play.