Well I am glad I can finally say that the holidays are done for me, I cannot believe that it came and went as fast it was. I still have to mail out a few packages to other people, but first I need get them ready to be mailed out tomorrow. I hope everyone had a very nice Christmas and I hope Santa bought you everything that you wanted ;-)
As it turns out the pattern I won from ebay (simplicity #8399) was an error because the woman who runs the store said that she only had three of the patterns for sales and on ebay and it was listed as 6 patterns for sale. When she found out what happened it was too late for her to do anything because the six patterns had sold and it was too late to do anything (according to her). I am disappointed because I feel that she should have checked the listing before she posted it so all this mess would not happen. Apart of me wants to report her to ebay because she should have taken care of this problem before people bided on it. I have not paid for the pattern and she told me to wait a little bit longer because she has boxes and boxes to go though and there might be more Simplicity #8399 patterns in the boxes. I did e-mail her again today and she said no more, all sold out. She could have e-mailed me to let me know, instead of waiting a month to tell me. Should I report her?
Other than that, I found a flipbook that I had been searching online forever since I got back from NY this past summer. I got it from a cute little online store that carries old-fashioned kid’s toys called the shackman store:
http://www.theshackmanstore.com/ and here is the page where I found my flipbook:
http://www.theshackmanstore.com/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=hesitation+waltz+flip+book&x=13&y=19 I might buy a few more flipbooks that I am interested in later. I highly recommend that you visit the store.
Sewing news: Still nothing, because the coupon that I got from barns and noble for my first online purchase is missing and I cannot order any books until I find it. I was going to order the DK complete guide to sewing to begin sewing. After setting up my whish list from Amazon and barns and noble (with the same books), it looks that Amazon has the cheaper prices even with my barns and noble member card it is still cheaper, but I had to do more research before I place my order.
I have also recently started looking up family history for my mother’s father’s family since none of us knows anything about his family. I did find a few things but not enough. I am having a lot of fun with it so far and someday I can plan charts for each of my mother and father’s sides.
Oh, before I forget to mention my grandmas was totally understanding about me not spending enough time with her when I visited I guess I just needed to hear it from her to know that she understood what happened and so I could get some closure too. After that, I felt relieved that she knew what was going on, and I felt better talking to her about it. I am glad to know how she feels too.