[Sticky Post] Journal memes/activities/whatever

Nov 28, 2029 02:56

Phew, just look at the hour, I spent the whole afternoon and night coding and revamping this place - methinks the outcome was quite worth a try though ♥.
However, for my journal's sake, I decided to group every user-friendly writing meme/contest/challenge here, so check this post to discover news from now on! ♥

the prompting post | one true writing | freghiamo lo scrittore miscellanea

drabble claim | fra i capelli di ___

10038 / 100000 words. 10% done!
fiumidiparole 2012

40081 / 100000 words. 40% done!
fiumidiparole 2011

48834 / 100000 words. 49% done!
fiumidiparole 2010

qui il tuo nickname

!italian, fangirling will save the world, fic, !english

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