something happy to update about

Mar 29, 2006 15:19

there are friends in this world who stick by you no matter what. there are girls who will lay down their lives for yours. theyll hold their good news until youre all cried out. they want you to smile but understand that no one does all the time. there are girls who understand how to be a friend from birth. its in their dna, you just have to trust them from the first moment you meet them. they see you through the hard times. they giggle with you at the boys. when they smile it make you want to smile. they make you want to be a better friend, and a better overall person. they give the best hugs and they know how to comfort, by words or by silence. you know in your darkest hours even if you cant reach them, they care. they would hold you to the end of time if they knew what went though your mind. they make you stronger, they teach you how to trust. its hard to be mad at them and its painful to fight with them. they are the angels in each of our lives. they are the heros and they become the best moms and grandmothers. when you lose them because of time passing, distance or a disaggreement, you still wish them the best and know they still wish it for you. i have 5 girls that i would die without. they'd surprise you with their couth and love. id surprise you with my choice. one i just met, two ive known for three years, one ive known for six, and the final has left my circle but never my heart. for all the people, boys and girls, that fall into this description i pray in thanksgiving, for all the people blessed by these angels i pray that they know the jem they hold.
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