Mar 15, 2006 16:30
What is my name?
Where did we meet?
How long have you known me?
Do I smoke?
When you first saw me, what your impression?
How old am I?
What is my birthday?
Do I watch football?
How many siblings do I have?
What animal do I remind you of?
Am I shy or outgoing?
Am I a rebel or do I follow all the rules?
Can I sing?
Do I get along with my parents?
If there were one good nickname for me, what would it be?
Am I right or left handed?
Do I make my bed in the mornings?
Have I ever been in love?
Would you ever go out with me?
Am I a good friend?
What Would You Do If..
I cried:
I asked you to help:
I was becoming suicidal:
I killed myself:
I died from natural causes:
I said I liked you:
I kissed you:
I started doing heroin:
I dropped out of school:
I was hospitalized:
I ran away from home:
I got in a fight and you were there:
What Do You Think About My...
Choice of music:
Would You...
Be my friend:
Tell me the truth, no matter what:
Lie to make me feel better:
Spread rumors about me:
Keep a secret if I told you one:
Loan me some cash:
Hold my hand:
Take a bullet for me:
Keep in touch:
Try and solve my problems:
Love me:
> > Am I:
> >1. ugly?
> >2. kind?
> >3. quiet?
> >4. loud?
> >5. shy?
> >6. weird?
> >7. selfish?
> >8. rocker
> >9. crazy?
> >10. hot?
> >11. cute?
> >12. pretty?
> >13. y?
> >14. nice?
> >15. mean?
> >16. immature?
> >17. rude?
> >18. cool?
> >19. brat?
> >20. stupid?
> >21. caring?
> >22. mature?
> >23. a friend?
> >24. more than a friend?
> >25. talkative?
> >26. boring?
> >27. beautiful?
> >28. creative?
> >29. smart?
> >30. a flirt?
> >31. trendy?
> >32. a psycho?
> >33. athletic?
> >34. confusing?
> >35. sweet?
> >36. mood swings?
> >37. attractive?
> >38. annoying?
> >39. funny?
> >40. hyper?
> >41. laid back?
> >42. perfect?
> >
*****WOULD YOU...*****
Hug me?:
Miss me if I was gone?:
Listen to my problems?:
Hug me if I cried?:
Be a good friend?:
Do me:
*****WOULD YOU...*****
Ever go out with me?:
If you already have would you do it again?:
Kiss me?:
Have rough sex with me?
Marry me if you could?:
*****IF YOU COULD*****
Give me a new name, what would it be and why?:
Hook me up with someone (real), who would it be and why?:
Do one thing with me what would it be and why?:
What do you love about me?:
What do you hate about me?:
What is my best quality?:
If you could change one thing about me what would it be?:
What is your honest opinion about me?
this one is actually also on my myspace but i doubt anyone ever read that beside the chelstinator
~Name: btru
~Birth date: december 12, 1989
~Birthplace: cville
~Current Location: milky way galaxy
~Eye Color: hazel
~Hair Color: shit
~Righty or Lefty: right
~Zodiac Sign: saggitarius
~Innie or Outtie: innie
Series Two ~ Describe:
*Your heritage: 1/2 irish, 47% brit, 3%german
*Your hair: long and thick and brown. sounds a lot like something else
*Your eyes: bleh
*Your weakness: 'im a sucker for anything acoustic'
*Your fears: life. death. everything in between.
*Your perfect pizza: extra cheese, pepperoni, cooked to perfection, preferably pizza hut sutffed crust
*One thing you'd like to achieve: anything.
Series Three~ What Is:
~Your most overused phrase: "what makes you think..."
~Your thoughts first waking up: cant touch this bir nir nir nir nir nenenenenene
~The first feature(s) you notice: hair
~Your best physical feature: my momma says my bone structure, not that you can see it under all the cheek thats there
~Your bedtime: 945
~Your greatest accomplishment: falling out of love and surviving.
~Your most missed memory: falling in love.
Series Four ~ You Prefer:
*Pepsi or Coke: coke. as in the drug
*McDonald's or Burger King: bk fo sho
*Single or group dates: i wouldnt know would i?
*Adidas or Nike: im sponsored by adidas so i guess ill go with them
*Chocolate or vanilla: do not care
*Cappuccino or coffee: cappu
*Bras or Panties: panties
Series Five ~ Do You:
~Smoke: i use the chain method
~Cuss: mhm
~Take a shower everyday: if i get around to it. definitely more often than the last person that did this thing
~Have a crush: i dont even develope full crushes before im crushed so i try not to
~Want to go to college: and fail summore? rather not
~Like high school: not at all. id love to start totally over
~Want to get married: no
~Believe in yourself: not really
~Get motion sickness: when i read in the car
~Think you're attractive: nope
~Think you're a health freak: NO
~Get along with your parents: sometimes/never
~Like thunderstorms: very much
~Play an instrument: no
Series Six ~ In the Past Month, did/have You:
*Smoked: i used the chain method
*Done a drug: done your drug
*Made Out: obviously not
*Go to the mall: hell if i know
*Eaten an entire box of Oreos: no
*Eaten sushi: no
*Been on stage: yea
*Gone skating: no
*Made homemade cookies: no
*Been in love: no
*Skinny dipping: no
*Dyed your hair: no
*Stolen anything: no
Series Seven ~ Have You Ever:
~Played a game that required removal of clothing: yea
~Been trashed or extremely intoxicated: no
~Been caught "doing something": haha
~Been called a tease: yea
~Gotten beaten up: yea
~Shoplifted: yea
~If so, did you get caught:no
Series Eight ~ The Future:
*Age you hope to be married: ooh given up on that hope
*Numbers and Names of Children: 3, obviously by myself. first cody matthew, then arian micheal, then parker elizabeth.
*Describe your Dream Wedding: you must not be getting it
*How do you want to die: soon
*Where you want to go to college: i dont
*What did you want to be when you were growing up: ballerina
*What do you want to be when you grow up now: something with film and photography but right now i dont give a rats ass
*What country would you most like to visit: greece. because i have been/am already going to everywhere else i want to go to. ill prolly want to go to italy again though
Series Nine - Opposite Sex:
*Best eye color: dont care, just deep
*Best hair color: depends on the guy
*Short or long hair: depends on the guy
*Best height: taller than me
*Best weight: football build
*Best articles of clothing: jeans that have the perfect amount of bagginess, chelsea gets this.
*Best date: already happened and i wont go into detail
*Best first kiss location: this is making me depressed
Series Ten ~ Number of:
~Number Of Boyfriends You've Had: 3
~Number of drugs taken illegally: 0
~Number of people I could trust with my life: 1
~Number of CDs that I own: 574
~Number of tattoos: 0
~My first tattoo: will be a rose or a broekn heart
~Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: idk a bunch. my face was in an ad for a while
~Number of scars on my body: a lot
Series Eleven ~ Who What When Where Why:
*What time did you go to sleep last night? 1130something
*What was the last noise you heard before you fell asleep?: konstantine
*The last thing you said?: no idea
*What did you dream about?: dont remember
*Do you drool or snore when you sleep?: no
*How did you wake up?: my alarm
*What's the first thing that crossed your mind when you woke up?: i wnted to throw up
*When was the last time you took a shower?: idk
*When was the last time you said I love you to the opposite sex and meant it? idk
*Where was the last place you went outside of your house?: school
*Who was the last friend you saw?: bre
*Who was the last friend you talked to?: bre
*Who's the one person you would die without?: sean
*What's your favorite song?: long december, stark raving sick sad little world
*Favorite lyric?: the feeling that its all a lot of oysters but no pearl
*Favorite group?: incubus, starting line, counting crows
*Favorite album?: a crow left of murder
*How many times have you been in love?: one guy, many times.
*Are you in love anyone right now?: not at all
*Do they love you back?:
*If you could kill one person, who would it be?: me
*How many pillows are on your bed?: two
*What color is the bottle of shampoo you use, and what kind is it?: orange and i forget the name
*What color is the soap you use and kind?: bath and body workd sweet pea
*What color is your razor?: pink
*What kind of deoderant do you use?: that red thing for men
*What kind of cologne/perfume do you wear?: sweet pea
*How long are your nails right now?: eh
*How old is the computer you're on?: no idea
*Who was the last person to annoy you?: no comment
*Do you believe in God?: yes
*How long are the showers you take?: bout 15 minutes maybe a half hour
*How many showers do you take a week?: around 7
*Do you love your parents?: yea
*Do you love your siblings?: depends on which sibling youre speaking of
*What's the worst thing that ever happened to you?: oh my god...
*When's the last time you cried?:today
*Why?: life, mr.morris
*The last time you wished you were dead?: now but if anyone comments on this ill bite their head off.
*The last time you felt important?: never
*The last time you felt sad because someone close to you was hurting?: religion today
*The last time you screamed?: idk
*Have you ever physically hurt yourself?: mnkguyoe
*How smart are you?: meh
*Do you like being outside?: yea
*What one person do you know you could always turn to?: sean
*Who do you look up to?: sean
*Who's the last person that made you cry?: mr morris
*Is emotional pain or physical pain worse?: emotional but too often theyre tied together
*Where do you want to live?: dont know do care
*How many scars are on your body?: obnoxious
*How many people do you love?: 11 and my extended family
*Who's your best friend(s): sean, bre, jeff, chels
*Who do you turn to for advice?: sean, brenna
*If you could bring back one person from the dead, who would it be?:Mr. Manochech
*On a scale of 1-10, how happy are you?: 3
*On a scale of 1-10, how depressed are you?: meh
*What color are the sheets on your bed?: tons
*When was the last time you were sick?: idk
*Are you hurting anywhere right now?: yea
*What do you wish you were doing right now?:not this
*When was the last time you had a nightmare?: last time i woke up
*Are you talking to anyone right now?: no
*Who's the last person you were on the phone with?: bre
*Are you pale?: yea
*When was the last time you brushed your hair?: this morning
*How many screen names do you have?: idk
*Which one do you use the most?: coolpunctuation
Series Twelve ~ Random:
[In the morning I am]:tired
[All I need is]:happiness
[Love is]:out of my reach
[I'm afraid of]:everything
[I dream about]:life
[Seen your crush naked]:no
[Had sex]:no
[Made love]:no
[Been in love]:already answered this fucker
[What do you notice first?]:whtever i said before i think hair
[Last person you slow danced with]:wow do i not remember, eric?
[Sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to I.M. you?]:no
[Save aol/aim conversations]:mhm
[Wish you were a member of the opposite sex]:meh
[Cry because of someone saying something to you]:mhm
[You talked to on the phone]:bre
[You instant messaged]: frapa
[You laughed with]:dont rmemeber
[Could you live without the computer?]:mhm
[How many peeps are on your buddylist?]:meh
[What's your favorite food?]:fruit
[Whats your favorite fruit?]:all
[Like watching sunrises or sunset]: yea
[Trust others way too easily?]: no
First best friend: lindsay galliford
First car:-
First date: aj
First real kiss: aj
First screen name: socialbuterfli07
First self purchased album: idk
First funeral:my grandfathers
First pet:-
First enemy:amanda
First musician you remember hearing in your house:-
Last cigarette:right now
Last car Ride:home from school
Last kiss:are you serious?
Last good cry:monday. i was sobbing
Last library book checked out: really?
Last movie seen:harry potter
Last beverage drank:milk
Last food vegan
Last phone call:bre but diff phone call
Last time showered:no idea
Last shoes worn:idk
Last cd played:mix
Last item bought:no idea
Last annoyance:this thing
Last disappointment:life
Last time wanting to die: r ggggggbvje
Last time scolded:i dont gt "scolded" i dont even understand this concept i get yelled at but what is scolded?
Last shirt worn:are you expecting me to not have one on? im wearing one i stole from, who else, chelster
Last website (to get all these annoying quizzes that i fully regret but fuck IM HERE)
Last word you said:freak, to what bre had here last
Last song you sang:you love me but you dont know who i am
What is in your cd player?:mix dumbass
What color socks are you wearing?:clear
What Color of underwear are you wearing?:red and blue
What's under your bed?:tons of shit. its where i tend to go
What time did you wake up today?: 6:34