Oct 02, 2009 14:48
It was only one, then it was two, and suddenly there were more than three stories. Stories in your life, filled up your day, cheer and sadden you throughout the time, stories to remember...they were real, just only there was no written word for them. In the end? They were left and forgotten with the time you passed by.
Or was it the time that passed you by? playing tricks on you, making you forget, and grow old, with a few traces left of good memories. Just like an hourglass, burying the memories within.. of what you've been through, of what you treasure the most, your first time riding your bike, your first drawing, your first crush, your first heartbreak, your first success, your first failure, your first meeting with your friends, those precious memories. How will you be able to recall all of them?
Fortunate for you, those who keep a journal about yourselves; your life, your memories. Your memories are there to keep you warm, as a reminder of how you used to be, how stupid and reckless your decision was, and how they are worthy in the end anyway. No matter how painful it was, in one point in the future you would look back at those writing and recall them, with a smile in you face.
What's there to say? Keep writing dear friends. Words are powerful enough, you can bring out the memories out of them.
I'm writing this because I've been skipping posting about things I want to tell, like the sleepover with my friends, the freaky guy on my class who winked at me, the rush on my marketing assignment, and so many little things I just can easily forget in 2 weeks time. So, don't give up on writing. Your memories lives in every word of your writing.
In other words, Just write damn it! : )