The Events of Homecoming Weekend:
Thursday night: Joined in on some Sigma late-night cleaning by Lindsey and I doing the dishes and Rachael earning her title as 'Beer Executive'. We went to the house and watched the boys clean the entire thing, so much so that it smelled like the garden section of Home Depot. We sat in Owen's room and played with Hunter. He slept on my lap. What an adorable dog.
Friday: Sig house for most of the afternoon/evening. Watching old guys bond with each other and share memories. We tried to search for potential 'Mom' friends, making one with Mrs. Harpst, and we watched so many children play on the stairs of the house while their parents socialized. Then, finally, it was time for the Sing performance. We were backstage for the majority of the time, so we missed all the other acts (although we watched them in dress rehearsal on Thursday night). A lot of Deltas from last year came back, so that was exciting, and we had a pretty large cheering section. We were the first act in the second half of the show. All the other Deltas made outfits involving wearing a lot of glitter eye shadow and purple tights, but I didn't get to dress up. I thought the performance went well, we've done it so many times that it wasn't too exciting, although on stage because of the lights, you can't see into the audience at all. The microphones were messing up and I don't think you could hear the words to our songs very well. Needless to say, we lost. Us, the Sigs, and APO all didn't make it to the second night. It was a little disappointing just because of the amount of Sing practices we've had, but at the same time, I didn't want to do it ever again, so Rachael and I ran (yes, actually ran) all the way back to the Shearn singing songs about how we were going to get drunk (mostly to the tune of songs we used for Sing). The Sig performance was hilarious though. They did a belligerent couch skit that had Hunter involved as well as Buv playing Chuck Norris, the ending of it being "Don't Fuck with Chuck". The evening was spent at the house, drinking lovely boxed wine, and talking on the phone with Brooks during the party. It was a good night, but I decided to come home and sleep pretty early after spilling said boxed wine on myself. This is how I am lately, I get drunk, and then I go to bed early.
Saturday: HOMECOMING! Rachael and I were going to go to the parade, we even got up at 9 for it... but then we fell back asleep. That's what happens when we're told to be somewhere two hours before it actually starts. Oh well. We did make it to go eat Salt Lick BBQ, which was pretty good, and was fun watching small children play on the mall, especially little boys with Kappa Sigma painted on their faces, so adorable! We hung out most of the afternoon, went to open chapter room and talked to old Deltas while wearing Delta-Mom clothes, and then we went back to the Sig house in the evening for food, a cover band, getting incredibly drunk, dancing a lot, and being social with the old people. It was an alright night, again, I drank too much and went to bed pretty early as is my way, but it was fun watching all of the old friendships and their bonding.
Sunday: Recovery, went to work for like 6 hours, did a German test, missed Eric's birthday party (but did he watch tv with me and bring us some wine juice boxes), and went to bed.
Monday: Tonight is Meet The Greeks, which I am excited for, but also want to be done early because I think I'm going to go to the Andrews tonight to make cookies/brownies/or something for Delta Desserts tomorrow. It's also Eric's birthday! He's 21!
Tomorrow: GO TO DELTA DESSERTS AND EAT THINGS. I have to be there most of the evening. It's also Rachael and Anne's birthday, there will be a lot of celebrating this week and this weekend.
And don't forget...