almost cinderella

Jan 21, 2014 01:17

almost cinderella
suho/yura (junmyeon/ahyoung), 5,450, pg-13.
and what's wrong with that? they do say friends make the best lovers.
a/n: WHY DO I WRITE TOO MUCH. PLEASE SLAP ME. I have never written this much. I'm scared.
a/n#2: i made an 8tracks mix that basically helped me write this thing ugh. listening to it sets the mood a bit.

Everybody who was anybody in the school has heard of who Kim Junmyeon was. He was the school president, leader of the decoration committee, and basically the most respected guy at school. It was hard to not know who the guy was because his name came out on the morning announcements every morning. Unless one was new to the school or something, one would know who Kim Junmyeon was.

That didn’t exactly mean he was the most popular, however. No, there were the typical high school jocks: the football players, basketball players, baseball players, all of them who played sports were a lot more popular. Nobody even cared for Junmyeon, but that didn’t stop the kid because he knew that one day his hard work would pay off. Or maybe it wouldn’t. Who knows? He didn't care though because it simply made him happy. What a nice kid, no?

( one could hear the obvious snorts of oh sehun in the background.
but everybody ignored sehun so it was okay ).

It’s a normal morning, and the members of the student council are gathered in room 227 where the monthly meeting is held. Junmyeon is seated at the president’s desk (it’s just the teacher’s desk, but he likes using his fancy words), and the other members are all seated in a circle. They’re discussing homecoming because it’s the next biggest thing on their agenda - Junmyeon’s agenda, but he liked to think they all cared - and there was so much that had to be done.

“So who was in charge of coming up with the theme? Wasn’t it you, Jongin?” The older male glanced over to the said boy, letting out a groan when he saw that the latter was asleep on his desk. Junmyeon signaled for Sehun to do something but was not expecting a smack on the head. “That’s not what I meant when I said to wake him up but it worked.” A deep sigh escaped his lips as he stared at the two best friends bickering once again.

“Jongin. The theme?” He stared at the boy with hopeful eyes, praying that he finally did his part of the job for once. “Oh yeah. Uh. Winter ball? How does that sound? I mean with Frozen that just came out I think a lot of the people here will love it. By the way, did you guys see Frozen? It was absolutely beautiful. Like I would tap Elsa if I didn’t have Soojung-”

“JONGIN. Please. None of us here are seated to hear your review of the movie or your plans on what you would do with the main characters.” Junmyeon could feel the migraine starting to form in his head, but he tried his hardest to keep it from filling him up because there were still 40 minutes until the meeting ended, and he had to keep sane without snapping at one of the kids. They were all nice boys, but some of them could never focus.

While Sehun and Jongin were still discussing the said animation movie, Kyungsoo spoke up. “I don’t think that’s too bad of an idea. I mean not the whole Frozen thing, but a winter themed dance sounds alright. I think it’s a lot better than Yifan’s idea of Candyland. Like who wants to be in a Candyland? What kind of motto is ‘how sweet can it be?’”

“EXCUSE ME THAT WAS A VERY CREATIVE THING FOR ME TO THINK OF. STOP BEING SO MEAN KYUNGSOO--” Another loud groan came from Junmyeon as he slowly massaged his temples, whispering to himself happy thoughts and quotes that would keep him calm. He took one last breath in before letting it out, a bit loudly one could say, but it was the least he could do before he screamed once again, losing his temper. He didn’t want it to be a reoccurring theme: him getting mad at the members for getting off topic, but could he really help his own temper when all 11 of them basically don’t do anything but fool around. Well, except maybe Yixing. Yixing was perfect.

“Thank you, Yixing.” The Chinese boy looked oddly confused because he hadn’t said a word since the meeting started, but he shrugged it off and just took the compliment. “Well, I don’t think this meeting is going anywhere. I’ll take care of the rest. Just-Please don’t say you’re part of the student council to the public.”

“But everybody in the school knows who the members of the student council are-”


Oops, there went his temper.

The next week was when the theme for homecoming was announced and thankfully everybody seemed to be quite satisfied with it. (“What did I tell you, hyung? Everybody loved Frozen,” says an arrogant Jongin the next day. “That’s not the theme though-Ugh, I give up on you, Jongin.”)

A smile was evident on Junmyeon’s face for the rest of the week because of the glee he was seeing in the hallways with homecoming week coming up so soon. To be honest, he was excited himself because the boy was a senior, and it would be his last homecoming. The last one that he helped decorate and plan. It was a little sad, but he could say that he graduated high school with no big regrets.

All anybody could ever talk about was homecoming now. The dance was in 2 weeks, and all the boyfriends were busy trying to figure out what would be the most romantic way to ask our their girlfriends while those who were single were trying hard to reassure themselves that they just needed their friends around.

“Are you asking anybody to homecoming, hyung?”

The question popped up one day during lunch from a curious Chanyeol. The boy was always curious, and it actually wasn’t a surprise to hear it from the kid. Junmyeon pursed his lips together before shaking his head a few times. “No I’m not, Chanyeol. I mean we could all just go together like last year, right?” He looked around at the boys and got a little worried when no definite answer came back.

“Guys?” He looked straight at Kyungsoo because he knew how the kid couldn’t lie. The atomsphere was a little weird because usually the boys would respond quickly. Something was up. “Well hyung. We kind of all have someone to go with. I mean I have Minah, and you know Sehun had Hyeri and Jongin with Soojung. Then you know Chanyeol finally got the guts to ask out-”

He put a hand up, asking the boy to stop because he was not very interested in the dates of 11 boys although he cared about them all very much - he’s actually not too sure about Baekhyun though because the boy never shuts up about anything, but he had some kind of place in his heart. “It’s alright you guys. I can go alone. It’s fine.”

Junmyeon gives them a reassuring smile before checking his watch because he was supposed to meet the boy he’s supposed to be tutoring for calculus. He quickly finishes up his soup before throwing away the rest of his food and heading over to the library.

It would be a lie if he said he wasn’t at all disappointed at the fact that all the boys managed to get a date but himself. However, he was never the type to hold a grudge about something like that. He was sure he could enjoy homecoming without a date or the 11 kids that he basically babysits in high school.

He walked into the library, looking around for the kid he was supposed to be tutoring, a bit puzzled when he realizes that the place is kind of empty. Checking the clock one more time, he realized that he was slightly early - five minutes - but early either way, and if this kid was failing calculus because he doesn’t show up for any of his tests, he realized that he probably wouldn’t arrive till after the promised time.

This was no problem for the school president though. This gave him some time to look around. He needed some books to read anyway so this was a good opportunity to pick them out. There was one specific book that he had wanted to read again for a while, and he wasn’t going to leave until he got that book.

“Little Prince. The Little Prince.” He continued to mumble the name of the book to himself until he reached the book. “Ah, there you are. I haven’t read you since I was 14.” A smug smile spread upon his face as he reached for the book. It was odd, however, because the book wouldn’t budge. Maybe it was stuck tightly in between the other books. He tried to push the other books around it away, but it still wouldn’t budge. “That’s strange.”

And all of a sudden the book fell right on his feet. Puzzled he looked through the spot that the book had made, shocked to meet eyes with some lady. He quickly backed out, picking up the book and letting out a breath. “Well that was awkward.” He mumbled to himself before looking through the book, feeling bad because the girl probably wanted the book as well.

Just as he was going to make his way to the other side, the girl had made her way to him, and he couldn’t help but jump. “Oh, I’m so sorry.”

He shook his head with a polite smile, giving her a slight nod with his head. “It’s alright, uh, Ahyoung, right?” It was difficult for him to memorize the whole student body’s names and faces, but he managed to do so or he hoped so. He bit down on his bottom lip when it took her a while to respond only to realize that she was still focused on the book he was holding. “Oh.”

With a warm smile spread across his face, he handed the book to her. “Here. You can take it. I’ve already read this like 4 times. I just kind of wanted to read it again because the meaning behind the book truly changes as I grow older.” He scratched the back of his head at the cheesy and cliche words that escaped his mouth, but they were the truth and it was the reason why he so dearly wanted to read it again.

She nodded her head towards him in gratitude before taking the book, flipping through it as a childish laugh escaped her lips before she realized that her laughter was quite too loud for the library. Junmyeon couldn’t help but laugh at this as he thought it was kind of... cute.

“Ahyoung unnie!”

The student body president was ready to punish whoever was yelling at the library but then he realized who it was. “Hyeri.” The younger girl snapped her head towards him, and she quickly shuffled over to give him a tight hug. It was slightly unexpected, but he returned the hug with a soft laugh. “Nice to see you again too, Hyeri. I think it’s the first time after lunch that last time with Sehun, am I correct?”

Hyeri pulled away with a goofy smile on her face. “Oppa, when are you not correct?” She raised a brow before heading over to the side of the other girl, linking her arm with the other’s. “Now if you two are done, I actually have to borrow Ahyoung unnie.”

“Oh no, we weren’t really doing anything.” The slight flushing to his face couldn’t be helped as he quickly covered his face because it was burning up.

“Unnie, are you going to homecoming?”

Ahyoung shook her head with a sad smile on her face. “I’m not Hyeri. I told you. I don’t have a date! And you guys all do so it’d be awkward to go alone, wouldn’t it? I have other plans. I’m going to sit at home and basically scruff down everything in my refrigerator, and I’m going to have a nice date with my tv and some Netflix.”

A quite laugh emitted from Junmyeon’s lips that caught the attention of the two girls in front of him. His eyes widened in surprise as he shook his head and brought up two hands. “I wasn’t laughing at you, Ahyoung-ssi. I promise.” A smile shy came upon his face as he rubbed at the nape of his neck. The timing was absolutely horrible. He actually just laughed because the plans sounded interesting, but interesting was a synonym for boring to everybody which is why he kept his mouth shut.

Unlike how most people would be offended, Ahyoung simply laughed it off before ruffling the younger girl’s hair. “Oppa, are you going?”

He was surprised at the sudden question from Hyeri. “Um. I kind of have to seeing that I’m student council president, but I think I’m going alone this year.”

“Alone? But you always went with the boys or a girl! Wait actually I don’t remember you ever going with a girl. You always went with the other boys. Did they all abandon you? That’s not good. You can come with me and Sehun! But then maybe you’ll feel like the third wheel. Hmm. Oppa, I can’t come up with a solution-Wait! You should go with Ahyoung unnie!”

A satisfied grin formed on Hyeri’s face as she pushed her unnie up against Junmyeon, causing her to lose balance and bump into the said man. She giggled at their flushing faces, feeling satisfied with her own work. “He’ll pick you up at seven! And with that I’m out! I’ll talk to you tomorrow, Ahyoung unnie! See you later, Junmyeon oppa!” And with that the girl truly disappeared out of sight. Really fast too.

The only thing that the quirky little girl left behind was an air filled with awkwardness. They were both baffled at the sudden situation that they didn’t know what to say.

“Do you-”

“I don’t-”

They spoke at the same time kind of like what one would see in those kdramas. The girl was definitely pretty, gorgeous actually, but he wouldn’t admit that to anyone but himself, but he had never spoken to her. It would be a bit awkward. They both silenced themselves, and she walked away.

“Wait, so is that a date?”

He yelled at her disappearing figure, laughing to himself when her steps became faster.

(he realized later that she never disagreed).

“I don’t know why I ever bring you with me when I go tux shopping, hyung.”

A groan escaped the younger boy’s mouth, and Junmyeon simply swung an arm around Sehun’s shoulders although it was quite difficult with the boy’s height and everything.

“You don’t bring me along; I choose to tag along because I know that without guidance you’ll probably end up going into some toy store and buying something useless. Plus, you have a date this year don’t you want to look good for her?” He raised a brow before patting Sehun’s shoulder in assurance. He could hear the mumbled why are you always right escaping the other boy’s lips which resulted in a chuckle escaping his own.

“Hyeri should be here any moment-” And before Sehun could even finish his sentence, he discovered his girlfriend shuffling over to them from across the mall, dragging a familiar face along with her.

“Sorry about that. Ahyoung unnie insisted that she wasn’t going to come, but I kind of made her because I need a girl’s opinion on a dress because I know you’re going to say anything’s pretty.” She lightly tapped her boyfriend’s nose before linking her arm with his, dragging him over to a tuxedo store.

Junmyeon watched the figures of the younger couple, and he could see how much happier Sehun looked when he was with Hyeri. It brought a fatherly smile onto his face, and he continued to stare at them until he realized that he wasn’t alone. “Don’t they look adorable together?”

Maybe it was a habit of his, but the boy jumped again at the sudden voice, forgetting that Ahyoung was there next to him. “Yeah they do. Y’know I’ve never seen Sehun smile so much until he met her.” The wide smile that appeared on his face was one that couldn’t he helped as he watched the two love birds slowly disappear into a store.
Turning back to face the female, he couldn’t help but notice how awkward the atmosphere was around them. They weren’t exactly close, and yesterday was basically the first time he had spoken to the woman, but it was always in him to make people feel comfortable which is why he probably did what he was about to do next.

“Ahyoung-ssi, do you believe in love at first sight, or should I walk by again?”

And unlike the reaction that he expected the girl to give, she ended up bursting into laughter at his lame joke, crouching down on the floor because she couldn’t handle it anymore. He raised a confused brow at her reaction, slightly afraid of what could possibly be going on in her head.

“That was possibly the best thing I’ve heard my whole life.”

With that, the widest smile formed on Junmyeon’s face as he looked down at the lady who was still on the floor.

( he didn’t know he liked dorky girls.
and he still won’t admit to it.
but his heart refuses to listen to his mind because he can feel it thumping at night when he thinks of her smile again ).

“Do you really not have a date?”

The question kind of popped up unexpectedly as Junmyeon and Ahyoung were looking around in a dress shop. He was already feeling awkward at the fact that he was standing in a dress hop with a girl - an attractive girl too - and the question kind of made it worse.

“Yeah, I really don’t. Is it that hard to believe? I haven’t had a date all past three years though.”

“Oh no, it’s just I thought you would have considering the number of girls in my math class that claim they slept with you.”

Utterly surprised by the statement, Junmyeon started choking on his own spit, bending down to get some air into his lungs, trying his best to calm himself down.

“Excuse me? Wait do girls really say that? I hope you know it’s completely untrue, and I haven’t even spoken to a girl in forever, and you’re probably the first in like so many years-”

He stops himself before he embarrasses himself more because he had just admitted that he hadn’t spoken to a girl in a while and what could possibly be more embarrassing than that?

“I was kidding.”

A sigh of relief escaped his lips along with a nervous laugh as he slowly started to regain his normal breathing. “Please don’t scare me like that again.”

“I won’t if you promise to take me to homecoming.”

Now that definitely caught his attention. His eyes widened in surprise as he looked at the girl. He blinked a few times in shock before he caught himself.

“Uh, wait, are you serious? I’d love to-I mean, I would like to. I mean, sure, yeah. Of course.”

He was shaking. Kim Junmyeon hasn’t been nervous like this since seventh grade when he almost lost the seat of class president to this loser kid who basically didn’t promise the class anything except some hot noonas that he knew.

A smile spread across Ahyoung’s face as she patted the boy’s back a few times, laughing at his reddening face, a quite ‘cute’ escaping her lips - which he caught by the way - as she looked around for more dresses.

“So you’ll pick me up at 7:30, and we’re probably going to meet up with the rest of your boys, aren’t we?”

He had an answer ready for her, but it just wouldn’t escape his mouth, leaving him staring at her with an open mouth. Wow, he had not looked this stupid in forever, and he couldn’t believe that it was because of a girl.

But she wasn’t just any girl.

She was the girl.

It was kind of a mess, their lunch table that is. Junmyeon doesn’t think he’s seen such a crowded lunch table in a while. It was to the point where they had to push two long tables together so they could fit all twelve boys and five girls that decided to join them that day.

They were all friendly faces: Soojung was one that he’s seen for a while now thanks to Jongin and her four year relationship, and then there was Hyeri whom he believes he’s seen way too much in the past week (maybe he should stop hanging out with Sehun), and of course Minah tagged along Hyeri (or so she claims, but everybody knew of her and Kyungsoo being more than friends), and Sojin who was actually kind of a new face to him (apparently Yifan hook up with her last summer and it just kind of dragged on), and then there was Ahyoung.

Ahyoung was probably there because all her friends were sitting here, but she looked quite out of it because all her buddies were with their significant others, and she was just kind of there. He knew that he was the only one that had any kind of relationship with her so he took the courtesy of sitting next to her.

“Hello, Ahyoung-ssi.”

“You should really drop the honorifics if you’re going to be taking me to homecoming.”
“You’re taking Junmyeon hyung to homecoming?”

The ever nosy Jongdae happened to be sitting on the other side of Ahyoung and had heard their conversation, and he ever so gladly had to exclaim all his words. His one question had the whole table facing the two suspects. That equaled to 15 pairs of eyes staring at them.

He couldn’t help but lightly slap Jongdae across the back of his head because of his stupidity, but he took a deep breath before smiling to the people at the table. “Yeah, I am.”

It was silent for a moment before Hyeri broke the silence.



The said girl quickly covered her mouth, hiding into Sehun’s chest so she wouldn’t have to deal with her unnie’s scary death glares. “I said nothing.”

The mood at the table soon became awkward as everybody slowly went back to whatever they were talking about before Jongdae’s stupidity took place. The two suspects stared at each other, a little nervous and the awkwardness that had disappeared between them at the mall formed again, and Junmyeon cleared his throat, throwing a tator tot into his mouth.

He was broken from his little daydream when Zitao tapped on his shoulder, leaning over to whisper into his ear.

“Hyung, I didn’t know you had a thing for glamorous girls.”

Yes, he totally deserved the bun thrown to his face.

With homecoming basically three days away, the student committee went to hard work to put up the decorations and make the gym look unlike its sweaty, smelly self. It was quite a large gym so Junmyeon had to take volunteers to help out, and what do you know, the same five girls that he had been seeing way too often showed up.

He approached Hyeri with a polite smile, ruffling her hair lightly. “If you guys are not going to work and are only here to flirt with your boyfriends, I suggest you leave now.”
The younger girl frowned, poking the older male’s side. “Oppa! How rude! We’re actually here to help, excuse you.”

“Yeah, and Kyungsoo isn’t my boyfriend.”

“Neither is Yifan!”

He snorted, rolling his eyes at the girls’ denial. “Not for long.”

Walking away, he couldn’t help but chuckle to himself when he could sense the confusion and bewildered faces behind him. It was funny to how they denied their relationships when everybody around them could sense it.

It was hard work being the president. He had to put up decorations himself and then make sure everybody there was actually doing shit because knowing Chanyeol and Baekhyun, they were probably fooling off with the streamers or popping the balloons on purpose.

Surprisingly everybody seemed to be doing their assigned jobs just perfectly without fooling around. Definitely a surprise because the least he expected was for Minseok and Luhan to get into a fight about what color the main streamer color should be, but even that didn’t happen. Maybe it was the power of the girls. Girls definitely made boys act differently.

“Ahyoung, do you not need any help?”

He looked up in worry at the girl who was on top of a ladder, struggling to get this one banner across the door ceiling. She was obviously not strong enough which makes him wonder why he just didn’t make Chanyeol do it.

“I’m fine! I’m almost there. Only if I reach a bit further--”

And just like that, she slipped and started to fall. Instinctively, Junmyeon put out his arms to catch her, letting out a sigh of relief when she fell into his arms. Her face was merely a few centimeters away from his, and he could feel his cheeks starting to flush pink. That wasn’t the problem, however, because the girl in his arms was almost hurt.

“Are you alright?”

“Uh, yeah, now I am. Thank you.”

“Of course, uhh.”

He realized that he was still holding onto her. Quickly settling her down, he picked up the banner that she had dropped, giving her an assuring smile.

“Don’t try to put it back up. I’ll either make Zitao, Yifan, or Chanyeol do it. I think Minah might actually need your help with the balloons over there. She didn’t seem to know how to work the helium machine.”

“Oh! Of course. Thanks again, Junmyeon.”

She started to walk away but not before turning her head once more and giving him a smile. He was stuck. Stuck in a puddle that was Kim Ahyoung’s attractiveness.

“Hyung, stop staring at her butt.”


Just like that came the day of homecoming. A lot of people went crazy over prom, but Junmyeon always found homecoming to be more fun because it was an event where the whole school could unite together to celebrate. Prom was only for the upperclassmen and that always made him feel bad for the underclassmen who couldn’t enjoy anything.

Girls started early in the afternoon to get ready, hoping to look just perfect for their special someone who was to come pick them up, and guys took an extra breath mint to make sure they were just perfect for anything that could happen that night.

The usual group was gathered in front of Baekhyun’s grandmother’s house who planted the most beautiful flowers and plants. She was also an angelic lady that liked seeing her grandson’s friends. He had always liked Baekhyun’s grandmother because she was ever so sweet and would contribute to every fundraiser that they did.

There was as usual lots of ruckus - it’s naturally what happened when there were basically 24 people on one lawn. Sometimes he wondered why he hung out in such a large crowd because it always made things so complicated, but Junmyeon couldn’t imagine his life without even one of the boys.

Everybody looked so clean and sleek, even his idiotic friends and dongsaengs whom he claimed could never calm down, and he didn’t even know where to begin with Ahyoung. She was dressed in the dress that he picked out with her, and he couldn’t have been satisfied.

The night was going to be simply perfect.

“Junmyeon, you managed to make this place look so nice!”

“Dang president, I didn’t know the gym could ever look this good.”

He’s been getting compliments ever since he stepped into the gymnasium, and it made him feel sorry to the others who had helped him out, but nobody in high school seemed to appreciate the underdogs, they always took attention to the one on top. He made a note to himself that he would have to treat all the kids to dinner one day because they absolutely deserved it.

“Mr. President is popular isn’t he? Hmm, maybe he should have had another date.”
He laughed at Ahyoung’s words, shaking his head. “I wouldn’t want to be here if it wasn’t with you.” The words shocked himself as well when they escaped his lips, but he tried his best to not look so surprised by his own words and instead gave her a warm smile that he hoped didn’t look too greasy.

“Well, I’m absolutely flattered. So who do you thinks going to be homecoming queen and king? Because they’re announcing that real soon.”

“I’m rooting for Jongin and Soojung just because I think they look cute together, and they’ve been having some troubles these days, and I think that maybe winning the title and having a spotlight dance will mend their relationship.”

“Is the president allowed to manipulate the votes?”

His eyes widened as he waved his hands around in denial. “What? Oh no, I have no control over the winning. I simply put out the boxes, and then Kyungsoo counts them up, and I doubt he would cheat it. Plus even if he did he would probably put a vote in for him and Minah.”

The girl next to him let out a laugh that sounded absolutely beautiful in his ears. He couldn’t help but stare at her and the way her hair was neatly pulled back into a nice ponytail that made her neck line stand out even more. He bit down on his bottom lip, trying hard to push away his teenage boy hormones that were slightly taking over him. Junmyeon had self control. He had strong self control, and he would control himself.

“When do you think he’s going to ask her out? Because Minah’s been complaining about it for forever.”

“Has she really? I think Kyungsoo’s just scared because they’ve been friends for so long.”

“And what’s wrong with that? They do say friends make the best lovers.”

“That’s true, but Kyungsoo is always scared about something. He’s probably just nervous because if Minah says no then their friendship would get ruined and all that.”
“Right. So when are you going to ask me out?”

In the short amount of time that Junmyeon had come to know Ahyoung, she sure had surprised him a lot more times than his own mother probably had. He could feel the words stuck in his throat, wanting to escape, but his brain always made decisions for him, and it was screaming at him to stay quiet and think about what he was going to say before he said it.

But for the first time Junmyeon’s heart spoke out first.

Before even words could escape him, he had leaned in to steal her lips. The girl was obviously a bit shocked as well, but he didn’t feel her pull away, making him a bit braver. His arm wrapped around her waist and they both became oblivious to what was going on around them.

“Homecoming king and queen are... Kim Jongin and Jung Soojung! Congratulations!”

Everybody went around to congratulate the two royals, but Junmyeon and Ahyoung were caught in their own love story to really pay attention to someone else’s. It wasn’t exactly how he imagined his first kiss with Ahyoung to be ( not like that’s all he imagined before he went to bed or something ), but he wasn’t exactly complaining, and she didn’t seem to be either.

They broke apart shortly after and all they could do was simply stare into each other’s eyes.

“I like you.”

“I like you, too.”

A silly smile cracked upon his face at her two-dimensional response as he gave her another kiss on her cheek, tugging on her hand that had sometime made its way towards his so they could go congratulate the king and queen.

( hyeri and sehun were always the first to discover things. they were the first to find out about yifan and sojin’s relationship, and they were also the first to discover kyungsoo mumbling minah’s name in his sleep.
it wasn’t much a surprise to them when they saw the interlocked hands of junmyeon and ahyoung.
“i think we succeeded, sehun.”
“yes we did.” )

deleted scenes!
because jinhee is an idiot, and she couldn't get them to fit in.

f: exo, rating: pg-13, pairing: suho/yura, f: girl's day, m: suho, m: yura

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