Trust no-one

Sep 18, 2010 17:31

I just realised that I hadn't commented on this weeks "Chuck" yet - even though I enjoy watching the show I rarely post about it these days, I'm not sure why. Anyway the most recent one for me was 3x16 "Chuck vs The Tooth" and it was pretty interesting - the Ellie stuff looks like it could be good. Maybe keeping his spy status from his sister is gonna end up being a really bad thing.

Loved that they had Christopher Lloyd playing his psychiatrist! And of course Chuck had to end up calling him "Doc". Just had to be, didn't it? As soon as I saw him on screen I was like "it's the Doc!" and I was waiting for Chuck to call him "Doc".

It did seem a bit rushed though - like the whole thing about them thinking he was crazy and him being commited just came out of nowhere. I would have liked some build up towards that. It didn't seem right that they'd think he needed psychiatric help so soon.

Oh, and the guy with the tooth was in "Privileged".

Another show I don't comment on enough is "Medium" - even though I bloody love that show (although the past few seasons haven't been as strong as they could have been). Last nights (6x09 "The Future's So Bright") had Mitch Pileggi in it! When I saw his name on the beginning credits I got quite excited and spent practically the whole episode waiting for him. It wasn't actually in it very much, which was weird considering his name was first on the list of guest stars. Really nice to see him in other one of my shows though. I wonder if he's gonna become one of those actors who appears in almost everything I watch. That would be awesome.

Last nights "Dexter" (4x05 "Dirty Harry") was awesome too - this season (season 4) is very good so far. I felt so sorry for Deb and Jennifer Carpenter's acting was brilliant. I loved the way Dexter found out that the Trinity Killer is just a regular looking guy with a family - just like Dexter is. I'm looking forward to their cat and mouse game.

Annoyingly I found out a massive spoiler for "Dexter" a while back and I honestly can't get it out of my head. Every time I watch the show it's all I can think about. I don't understand how people can say that they don't mind reading spoilers because they forget them by the time they watch the show.

Incidentally, I know some people reading this have seen to the ends of both "Dexter" and "Chuck" (and many other shows I post about) but please don't mention any spoilers - the reason I mention the episode number and name is so that people know where I'm up to. No-one has mentioned any spoilers before but I get scared.

Still on the subject of TV: Alibi are repeating the first season of "Castle" this weekend - five episodes tonight, five episodes tomorrow from 7pm. Could be worth catching up before season two starts on Wednesday. It's a good show. I feel like I need a "Castle" icon.

I've seen some trailers for season six of "Supernatural" and, wow, it looks good. Very interesting. I'm really looking forward to it and have no real idea where it's gonna go. Hopefully Living won't make us have to wait too long for it.

In other news: I got myself this hat today. I'd seen ones like it in River Island for £12.99 but just couldn't bring myself to pay that much for a hat. Luckily they had them in Peacocks for the much more reasonable price of £6.

On Thursday night I had a really nice birthday meal and got some nice gifts (Vicky got me season one of "White Collar" on DVD. I can watch the Pilot now). It's really nice to go out for a meal like that - we don't do it often enough. We always end up talking about TV though!

tv: supernatural, tv: dexter, pictures, tv: chuck, tv: castle, tv: medium, shopping

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