Happy Friday

Feb 26, 2010 15:51

So I caught up on those remaining two episodes of "Heroes" last night so I'm now up to date and ready for the next episode BBC2 show. Typically it's not on tomorrow night. After all that rushing to watch them before Saturday! Lol!

The first episode I watched - 4x07 "Strange Attractors" - was okay but had too many things going on again but the next episode -  4x08 "Once Upon A Time In Texas" - was really good! It was full of  wibbly wobbly timey wimey stuff but once I got it all straight in my head it was awesome. It was better because it only focused on a couple of storylines at once and because all the action took place back in season one it seemed like it used to be. When it was simpler and all about saving the cheerleader to save the world. Instead of this mess we've got now, that's sometimes enjoyable but doesn't seem to know where it's going.

Some great time travel references too - loved Hiro's "great scott" and "oh boy" lines.

Do we know if there's gonna be another season yet?

In other news:  it's my livejournal's 6th Birthday today! I've had this thing for six whole years now. Can you believe that? It's become kind of tradition for me to do this so here are my first posts.

livejournal, tv: heroes

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