My TV schedule is very full now - which means that if I go out of an evening I end up with an annoying backlog which then ruins the rest of my weeks schedule. As such, I haven't managed to watch this weeks "Doctor Who" yet. I also haven't watched "Under the Dome" either. Just too much TV!
On Monday I watched "Criminal Minds" - 10x01 - which I thought was quite good. The new girl seems quite interesting - and "Gotham" - 1x02 - I think this show is quite interesting but it's not properly grabbing me yet. It's still early days though.
Last night I watched
Castle 7x04
I thought this episode was quite good but it did bug me a little bit that Castle could just talk with those kids on more than one occasion without their parents consent/present - especially when him and Beckett pretty much interviewed that kid in the classroom. Can they do that? Like, is that legal?
And how was Castle allowed to just be in that school with those kids without any kind of formal hiring process? Or having a CRB (DBS) check or equivalent (because Castle works with the police department maybe he already has one? Or maybe they don't need to do that in the UK?) Anyway, it bugged me.
Another than that I thought the episode was quite good. I thought the case was interesting enough and I especially the liked the subplot of Alexis being worried about Castle because he had been missing for 2 months. I thought that was a nice touch especially because I was beginning to think that Alexis (and his mother) weren't bothered at all about what Castle had been through and that made me very suspicious.
NCIS:LA 6x04
I quite enjoyed this episode and find it very intriguing how Callen reacts when he thinks Hetty might be in danger. It's like he forgets everything procedure and just doesn't think rationally at all. I was glad Grainger tried to keep him in check, even though Sam didn't want to listen to Grainger.
I always find it really weird how much hero worship they seem to have towards Hetty - I know she's done them good in the past but she's also done some things that has put them in danger (like the Kensi situation for example) but she always gets a free pass when Grainger is played like the bad guy.
I thought the fall out to what Nell did last week was quite good - although apparently fixed very easily (and I did kinda want a scene between her and Callen but I guess that wasn't gonna happen with him focused on Hetty). It was nice to see Nate again though.
And this episode featured some good Kensi and Deeks moments as usual - are they like a couple now?
I also watched "The Blacklist" - 2x03 - I thought this episode was okay but, if I'm honest, this show isn't grabbing me the way it used to in the early episodes. I do quite like the idea that someone is surveilling Lizzie. I wonder if that's related to her fears about Tom? Is he still alive?
And finally "Beauty and the Beast" - 2x19 - I'm super disappointed by the route they've taken Gabe down. Maybe him the bad guy again just seems like such a easy thing to do, especially when it seemed like they'd made him an ally really. It's just lazy writing and it makes me very sad.
Got six shows to watch tonight! Too much TV!