We took our World Cup flags down and that made me sad. I really miss the football. This years tournament was awesome.
24LAD 9x12
So, the return of “24” reached it's conclusion. While I enjoyed this finale I don't think it seemed quite as final as the season 8 finale (which I guess could give me small hope for another season but realistically I don't see that happening).
I thought the conclusion to the Audrey storyline was done quite well - I especially liked the way you thought she'd been rescued and everything was gonna be okay and then that second shooter showed up and she wasn't. I thought for a minute that Kate was gonna die so I'm glad she didn't. Audrey has never been a favourite of mine so if anyone had to die in this finale I'm glad it was her and not someone like Chloe. I did feel really sorry for Heller though and the scene when he was informed was really sad. I also thought the scene at the end of him getting on Air Force One and talking to the Prime Minister was really heartbreaking.
Jack's reaction to Audrey was quite good too - for a minute I thought Jack was just gonna crumble and cry. I liked that he channelled it into the mission at hand though and instead just went crazy angry and killed them all! That was just so Jack really.
I was glad Chloe ended up working with Jack again in the end - she was right, she is his only real friend he's got left. Which I guess showed when Jack had to give himself to the Russians in exchange for Chloe. Which then led to a great scene between him and Chloe. I've always mantained that their relationship is the heart of the show and I think the fact that the final scene was between him and Chloe was perfect (just the same as it was back in the finale of season 8). I love their friendship and what ever happens they're always gonna be friends.
I thought the time jumped worked quite well (although there are probably various ways that it could have been done better - and if this show had a 24hour clock it would have looked pretty cool when the clock went from 10pm to 10am) but how come it took Jack 12 hours to get to that meet with the Russians?
While I love Chloe, of course, I do wonder if she'll be prosecuted for her involvment in the creation of that device (you know, the one that caused pretty much everything that happened in the whole season!). What she did is just as bad as what that Mark dude did, surely?
All in all, I've really enjoyed this short season of “24”. I think it managed to stay pretty true to the show we loved and London looked pretty bad ass. I'm just glad that Chloe and Jack made it out alive, to be honest. Although, having Jack die at the end would have been pretty epic.
Teen Wolf 4x04
This was another interesting episode. I thought the way they're introducing Liam and his friends makes it almost seem like they're setting this show up for a next generation type of thing. Like Liam and his friends are the new Scott and his friends and they're gonna end up being the main focus of the show at some point (far in the future, of course, because I don't want any more of the original gang to leave). I like the angle they're taking with Scott trying to talk to Liam about what is happening to him - and trying to help him but not really knowing quite how to do that. I like seeing that side of Scott and I hope Liam can be helped so he doesn't go down the wrong route. I guess we'll soon see how that all plays out.
I thought the scenes between Lydia and Kira were pretty good - I quite like that they're becoming friends too. I think Lydia needs that now. I was quite surprised that she managed to decode that information already as I thought they'd drag that out for a little longer. So that dude with no mouth is an assassin then and all of those supernaturals are on the list. Now Peter's taken care of that guy does that mean there are more to come? I think it's a shame Peter acted that way because we needed information from him. Also, are the people paying those assassins using the money stolen from Peter to pay for it? And what's the connection to Liam's friends? I have so many questions right now.
At first I thought the scene between Lydia and Liam's friend (name?) in the sound proof room was supposed to have no sound but it turns out that MTV had a problem during the airing of it or something. The scene with voices is on their facebook.
I thought it was really good that Stiles mentioned what he'd been through last season - even if was only little moment - and I liked that the keyword Lydia used on her computer was “Allison”. I think we might get some more fall out about the events of last season as this season goes on. I hope we do anyway.
I thought the scene between Stiles and Malia was good - I quite like the connection they have but I can't help worrying that one of them might get hurt. I just don't see this show letting them be happy for too long. I hope I'm wrong on that because I think Stiles deserves to be happy. I actually think Malia does too.
I really liked the scenes between Derek and the Sheriff, it was really nice seeing them working together. Especially as it's not a dynamic we get to see that often. I hope we see more of it in the future. I liked that Parish was involved a little bit too. I find his character really intriguing. I hope they do something good with him in future episodes.
Oh, and the Sheriff's “you have the right to remain silent”. Hahahaha!
Great to see Chris Argent back too. And just in time.
Great scenes between Scott and Stiles in the beginning too. It's a miracle that those two ever get anything done! Lol!
Last night I also watched the season 2 premiere of "Being Human USA" which I thought was a pretty good start to the season. I was pleased that there was a "last season on Being Human" thing because I'd forgotten everything that had happened in season 1!
The new season of "Falling Skies" started last night - my TiVo picked it up but I haven't watched it yet. I'm debating whether to start, to be honest, I don't remember any of the last season.