The story always matters

May 01, 2013 16:44

WH13 4x11

It's really good to have this show back after the midseason break (it seemed like ages ago when it was last on!) and I think this episode was a pretty good one although it did seem to fix things a little too quickly especially considering just how broken they were when we last saw things. There was never really any doubt that Myka and Pete would save the world and it was fun that they teamed up with James Masters to figure things out - I had a feeling he wasn't really dead at the end so I'm interested in seeing what they're gonna do with his character as the show goes on. I enjoyed his banter with Myka and Pete although what was the deal with him going on about Pete's big forehead when his is bigger anyway! Maybe that was the joke. Oh, and his comment about Vampires. Hahaha! I also liked Pete's fake English accent. Lol!

Cool stuff with Steve and Claudia trying to get Artie back - and I liked the reason why he didn't want to come back. He was happy where he was and he didn't have to deal with the guilt of what happened to Leena. I think that's gonna be an interesting character arc for him because I don't think he's gonna get over it easily. I imagine it's gonna have quite an impact on the rest of the team too.

Loved the stuff with Claudia and Steve as usual - I really like that he has someone to work with now and Steve is a great character anyway. I think bringing him into the show back at the beginning of season 3 was a really good idea and he's fit in brilliantly. It's nice that Claudia has someone to pair up with when investigating things and they have developed a really good friendship.

I'm looking forward to the rest of the season now. I'm especially looking forward to more lighthearted fun stuff because that's what this show is best at.

Castle 5x22

I really liked this episode! When it first started I wasn't sure what was gonna happen and even when the flashbacks started I wasn't too sure about them just being montages of previous scenes in episodes we'd already seen but it ended up working really well and it fit it in with the case perfectly. The clips from old episodes were reallg good too and I loved Castle's comment about Beckett's ever changing hair style! I kinda miss her shorter hair.

It was perfect that Castle wouldn't leave her no matter what and even though everyone else had practically given up he wasn't gonna stop trying. And he was right! He figured it all out by himself because the story always matters! I thought it was really cool that Castle was the one who noticed all the things that weren't quite right - the baseball cards, the placement of the bomb etc. It didn't fit with what they knew about the bomber. And Castle doesn't like it when things don't fit because it doesn't go with the story.

I also really liked all the discussions about who fell in love with who first and the when Gates showed up and admited that she'd known for ages about Castle and Beckett even though they'd been trying to hide it all the time.

Now I'm just really worried about the 2 remaining episodes because after a loved up episode like this something's gotta happen, hasn't it? There's gotta be something that ruins their happiness and I'm scared. The happiness of the ending to this episode made me cry because no one on TV gets to be happy for too long.

The Following 1x15 (finale)

So, the final chapter has arrived.

I thought the stuff with Parker was really good - and I actually started tearing up when she was saying telling Ryan and Mike Weston so say goodbye to her family for her. I was fine until Mike started crying and then I couldn't help it. Poor baby. I love him. The scene when they found Parker but were too late was pretty good too - although I couldn't help wondering whether if they'd driven faster they might have got there in time. And is it possible to get a mobile signal that far underground? just wondering. I was willing Ryan to shoot that guy so was kinda pleased when he did even though Mike was right to try and stop him. We barely got to know Parker and now she's gone.

I loved all of the scenes between Mike and Ryan as usual and I was quite annoyed at Ryan when he wouldn't let Mike go and help him, they should have been in it together really. I did love that scene though when Ryan said that it was Joe's plan to kill people he cares about and he couldn't risk putting Mike in harms way. Aww. Their friendship is adorable. I was pleased though that Mike made it through this episode without getting in mortal danger. I hope he's gonna be in season 2.

I kinda found the disposal of Joe a little anticlimactic. After 15 episodes it was really that easy to get rid of him. Just like that? He had totally unravelled though had gone from charismatic sociopath to complete psychopath by this episode though. Even though he's dead his followers clearly aren't. They said they'd caught like 7 of them but there's obviously way more than that! Who knows how many!

I had a feeling that Ryan ex girlfriend Molly was gonna show up at the end and get her chapter. I guess here's was the planned epilogue or something? Incidentally, I really liked the book references during Ryan and Joe's face off. That reminded me a lot of the “Scream” movies and so did the news report at the end when it said what had happened to Joe was remiscent of one of his novels.

I'm gonna assume Ryan's not dead but what about Claire? I guess Emma and Molly are gonna continue Joe's work in the next season or something? I'm quite interested in seeing where things go from here.

To sum up this season, I thought it started off really well but never quite matched it and got progressively more ridiculous as it went on. It never really reached the expectations I had for it. It didn't stop me enjoying it every week though and I'll probably tune in next season too. If only for Mike Weston (and his burgeoning friendship with Ryan Hardy).

H50 3x21

I wasn't sure if I'd like this episode but I quite enjoyed it in the end. I think it's quite interesting that they decided to do a "gimmicky" episode at this stage of the season but for the most part I thought it worked quite well. I liked the way Savannah described the taskforce as a family, or Ohana, and I thought the scenes in this episode did show that well.

I thought it was quite interesting how each character reacted to having the camera crew following them around - obviously Danny wasn't amused (he never is really) and Steve just thought it stopped him from doing his job properly but I liked the little interviews given by Chin and Kono. I especially loved Kono saying that she was the one who did all the computer stuff and that she learned it on the Xbox. Max was as funny and adorable as he always is and I liked that he was the only one who really embraced the camera crew because he's a fan of the show. I did think him letting her put a camera on him while he was examining the body at the scene was a little unprofessional though and I would have thought that Max would know better. Great appearance from Kamekona too - "product placement". Ha!

Interesting little snippets of Charlie and Catherine too - I'm beginning to wonder just how her and Steve classify their relationship because neither one of them seems willing to actually say they're boyfriend and girlfriend. I wonder if that means anything? Is it gonna lead somewhere?

I thought the case of the week was pretty interesting and was surprised to see Wo Fat appear - honestly, I almost gasped when Savannah stopped him when he was dressed as a cop. Even though I'd seen his name in the credits I just didn't expect to see him there. I expected him to escape again though so was surprised that they actually caught him. Interesting that they decided an episode like this one was the best place for it though, and his capture was almost a little anticlimactic because of it. Maybe it was supposed to be understated so it was in complete contrast to his previous escape!

Great little Danny and Steve "cargument" too. I loved finding out that Steve goes to Danny's place and controls the TV remote (it's good manners to let the guest control the TV apparently) and that they always have lunch together but where Steve chooses because Danny can't make his mind up. Aww.

Oh, and nice to hear them playing Little Mix at the beginning too - when they won X Factor I won £60. Never gonna forget it, girls!

Looking forward to a normal episode next week.

After those I watched "Elementary" - 1x20 - I thought this episode was pretty good as usual. The case of the week was decent enough with enough twists and turns but I think the best scenes in this episode were about Sherlock and his sober anniversary (or whatever it's officially called) and I felt quite sorry for him when he was getting upset about his anniversary being a day different than everyone thought - to someone like him who's very detail orientated that was a massive big deal and I think he felt bad about people thinking he'd been sober for a day longer than he actually was. I loved the scene when he opened up to Joan and he said he wanted her to know before he told Alfredo because, even thought he might not admit it, he considers Joan a friend and he does function better with her around. Great scene at the end when she gave him a present too. I really like their friendship in this show.

Oh, and this episode was directed by Larry Teng who seems to work on all of my shows!

Finally I watched "New Girl" - 2x06 - quite a good episode again and I think it's obvious that they're heading towards Nick/Jess. They do have amazing chemistry together so I'm glad they're using it well.

I usually watch "Touch" on a Tuesday but I haven't watched last weeks yet. Besides I with the addition of WH13 I don't think I would have been able to fit it in. Everything airs on Tuesday!

tv: new girl, tv: the following, tv: elementary, tv: hawaii five-0, tv: warehouse 13, tv: castle

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