Is that the One Ring in your pocket, or are you just happy to see me?

Feb 18, 2003 19:19

This is probably the last big update for a while, so do take your time reading the stories. *g*

The Chronicles of Narnia
Turkish Delight and Tame by Ivy Blossom
Is there anything I can say that would adequately describe the sweet melancholy of these fics? Not very true to the original novels, but anything that can make me sigh over Edmund/Bacchus is okay by me. "Turkish Delight" is passworded, but the username and password are provided in the pop-up box. Why? Something about search engines. Don't ask me, just read the stories.

Final Fantasy VIII
The Cure For Evil by harpy_elian
The cafeteria lady wants to know what she wants. Two lasagnas, two bottles of Winhill Spring un-carbonated, two salads and a side helping of guilt, resentment and loneliness sounds good. Xu/Quistis, pre-game.

Harry Potter
Cat's Cradle by Silvia Kundera
Draco/Dumbledore, but not the way you think.

The Wizard of Aus by Bernice Russell
A parody so Aussie, you'll find yourself wanting to feed Steve Irwin to the drop-bears.

Integral rocks. Thank you, and good night.

The Low Road by Mess
On Integral and mortality, narrated from Alucard's POV. Chilling and darkly jaunty. Spoilers for the end of the anime.

The Lord of the Rings
My One True Pairing of choice in this fandom is Legolas/Gimli. Deal with it.

Parental Consent by Honesty
See Yasmin laughing. See Yasmin cough up her tea. Now see this fic. Legolas/Gimli.

Raven's Song by Camilla Sandman
A long, solid story that made me wish for a happily-ever-after. There is one in there of a kind, though, the sort that reminded me of heroes in old mythology. Legolas/Gimli.

A Gift by Keelywolfe
Some readers may feel a desire for fluff after reading "Raven's Song". Try this one. Legolas/Gimli.

Not Willingly Unlock by Isos Arei
Legolas and Gimli rendered in lyrical prose. Lovely, in the old-fashioned sense of the word.

By Root and Twig by A. Vulgarweed
Merry/Pippin/Treebeard. Hooyay.

The Orc's Tongue by Lobelia
Orc/Pippin. Dark, nasty, and well-written. The easily-squicked should look elsewhere.

Dale Edmonds' One Ring Challenge has inspired many extraordinary fics, and these are my favourites:

A Crown of Roses by dana-chan
Rosie Cotton.

Beauty by Kate Bolin

King Under The Mountain by Zara Hemla

Webs by Roz Kaveney

I am doomed. Doomed.

Holding the Pose by Sheldrake
The fic that seduced me into RPS. Sean B./Orlando.

The Another Island Series by Karelian
Sean B./Viggo stories that rasp and sing. I linked to the index page just in case, but you can find them in the stories page.

Popslash/Agatha Christie
Death On The High Seas by TNL
No, really. If Agatha Christie was a slasher... An AU with Poirot/Hastings and boyband-flavoured pairings.

I have a confession to make: Lex Luthor has so far failed to captivate me, though I like reading the fanfic. Bring on the wet noodles.

Three Fairy Tales Of Smallville by Koi
Koi's earlier Mercy has been recced to buggery -- for good reason. This one is more disjointed and perhaps less satisfying to readers looking for another long story, but it has that same sensation of pulling your guts out and twisting them. Bravo.

Spriggan yaoi are few and hard to find, and FF.Net's banning of NC-17 fics certainly haven't made my job easier. Grr.

Sow a little tenderness by harpy_elian
I feel uneasy about recommending two fics in seperate fandoms by the same author in one post, but this ficlet is too good not to be included. Jean/Yu.

Sometimes Nothing by Ponderosa
The ending is a little weak, as with the fic above. Nevertheless, it's a fairly well-written PWP, shot through with angst. The author has written another Spriggan fic, but this is my favourite. Jean/Yu.

The Vision of Escaflowne
Four Minutes: For the True Lover, A Year is as a Day by Didodikali
A charming story with beautiful illustrations. What more could you want? Mostly het (Dryden/Millerna), with tasty side dishes. Check out her introduction to Escaflowne, too.
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