Grand opening

Feb 18, 2003 01:04

I'm barely even scratching the surface here, but certain people are poking me over y!m. As you'll see, I make few distinctions between anime/manga and live-action, or yaoi and slash. I'm just here for the fics, folks, not split meta hairs. To paraphrase a well-worn adage, there are only six fandom flame wars in existence, and I've seen them all re-enacted countless times.

Next post: Yasmin tackles LOTR, among other things. For now, enjoy.

From Eroica With Love
This fandom has experienced a resurgance in recent years, for which I am most grateful. The manga is so flagrantly campy and over-the-top, nothing anyone could write can outdo it. Well, unless you're the Onna Mafia.

Worth a Thousand Words by Filigree
Actually, I should just point you to Filigree's Eroica page and say, "Read all of them!" This WIP takes an AU where Klaus is openly gay and runs with it. Very, very well.

The Mirror Mirror Series by Kat and Whizzy
Another AU, this time with Klaus as the thief and Dorian as the NATO operative. Not convinced that it could work? Read the stories and decide for yourself.

Advice for the Lovelorn
Not a fanfic, strictly speaking, but it nearly sent me to the floor laughing. Dorian, Klaus, James, and Z answer all your romance dilemmas!

Harry Potter
Sixteen in Bulgaria by Silvia Kundera
What's a het fic doing in an m/m and f/f recs journal? Because I have a certain fondness for Hermione/Viktor, and because I could taste Hermione's skin.

Horatio Hornblower
Ransom by Calypso
Don't repeat the mistake I made by reading this just before bed, because by the time I actually closed my eyes the birds were chirping outside my window. At over 400K, it's not for the faint of heart, but it's well worth it.

Revolutionary Girl Utena
Utena is one of the few fandoms where I find the female characters to be much more interesting than the male ones. I've always been rather indifferent to the yaoi fics inspired by the series/movie, despite the many good writers, but I can't get enough of Utena, Anthy, and Juri. With that in mind...

Archimage by Jude McLaughlin
One of the best post-series Utena fics I've ever read, and certainly the best multi-parter I've found so far. Jude's Anthy retains her inscrutability, but more than fulfills the character potential hinted at in the series. In short, she kicks arse, without becoming a Mary Sue. Found via Didodikali.

Fairytale Ending by Thorne
A beautifully-written Anthy fic. I have to admit that I didn't like series-Anthy much the first time I saw the series, but it's stories like this that made me take a second look -- as is evident by the focus on Anthy this time around. *g*

Serial Experiments Lain
Water Shadows by Twig
Not quite as freaky as the anime, but reading it gave me the same sense of dislocation that I felt upon watching Lain. Arisu/Lain, post-series.

Weiss Kreuz
The fandom that broke my heart by creating layers upon layers of fanon around my favourite character. Of course, with WK most of what you have to work with is fanon, but why is it that so many people insist on treating Ken like a dumb, clumsy jock?

The New World Order Series by Aoe and Shoori
Now this, my friend, is what I call an epic. "Eight Years in the Making" is the shortest story in the series, and it has 17 chapters. I suppose one could argue that the characters are OOC, but the patient pace of the series allows its readers to see the characters growing into the versions that Aoe and Shoori are writing.
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