Apr 05, 2009 12:45
well last night I went over to scotty's for a poker night, and it was pretty fun, but I don't know if I will be doing it again, I love the poker, but last night I was actually getting pretty angry with Steph and Jamie...not so much Jamie...Steph couldn't stop hugging/touching/whatever to jamie it almost made me sick...I am tired of being the fucking 5th wheel, and seeing as I got turned down by this girl, and then she does all this...it's like rubbing my face in dog shit...feels about the same too
my fuck I am tired of being single...but at the same time can't seem to get anyone to go to that next level with me...I don't know why I even try anymore...I am finding pretty hard to get up the motivation to do anything about it...but I can't stand being single...