welcome to the Plastic Beach

Feb 26, 2010 17:28

Gorillaz have uploaded another track from Plastic Beach on their Youtube account o_o I guess they've wised up to the fact that whenever they let a radio station preview a track ahead of time, the masses online will just rip it from the online stream and start passing it around the internet. So whenever they've let a radio show preview music from the new album, they've willingly uploaded it to Youtube right afterwards. Huh. Oh Internet, how you continue to change the world.

The track's called Superfast Jellyfish and it's fucking awesome. It's lighthearted, tongue-in-cheek sugar pop that still keeps that hint of sinister discord that all Gorillaz music seems to have. If you're a fan of 19-2000, Rock the House, DARE, We are the Happy Landfill, The Swagga, or any of their other more upbeat poplike songs, you will LOVE this. De La Soul is back too supplying some nice words. Here's the Youtube link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4UtbrbsrjY

Only Gorillaz could ever get away with a song simultaneously about the state of modern hip-hop and..... breakfast cereal. rofl.

My favorite lyric: Superfast, superfast, I come in last, but just in time for breakfast...

This song's actually lifted my spirits a little, which is nice. They're still low, but it such a cute cheery song is like a comforting bandaid.

I paid my first traffic ticket today, $151.25. I like the extra 25 cents tacked on to the end there. That's not obnoxious at all.

life is sucky, gorillaz

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