He's a pepper, She's a pepper, I'm a pepper too.

Sep 03, 2008 23:53

Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: I own nothing, know nothing  and can only wish I had something that was Doctor Who...so... you know...this is all in fun.
Warning: Really bad fic ahead.

This story was done from a prompt at some group that will put the name of (in this space) as soon as I remember where I saw it.


 Donna and Rose stared at each other in horror. The doctor had collapsed quite suddenly onto the grating in the Tardis console room. He seemed to be in agonising pain as he was writhing on the ground rather dramatically. 

“Doctor!” Donna gasped fearfully, as Rose ran and crouched beside The Doctor, trying to determine his injuries. “What happened?”

The Doctor looked frantically at Donna and waved his arms haphazardly, trying to mime his problem since that has always seemed to work so well in the past.  Donna, always game for a go at Guess What’s on The Doctors Mind Now, tried valiantly to figure what the hell he was getting at this time. Rose, being so in tune with The Doctor immediately translated his spastic gestures as meaning… Damnit Donna, I’m in pain. This wasn’t really far off the truth since having a raging hard on could be extremely uncomfortable.

As The Doctor wasn’t trying to hide his current condition, it wasn’t long before Donna saw the telltale bulge tenting his pinstriped pants. Donna sighed rather dramatically, rolled her eyes at The Doctor and said “ Oi! Spaceman! Tell me you didn’t drink that Dr. Pepper again!”

The Doctor yelped out a strangled “ Er..guh”  Which, of course, meant he had indeed drank some Dr. Pepper. In fact, the very Dr. Pepper Rose had thoughtlessly left sitting on the console, even though she had been told to move the blasted drink before it was knocked over and caused a short or something.

Looks like the ..or something… had happened.

Donna quickly sprang into action. She unzipped his pants and pulled them off him. She informed Rose of The Doctors’ dire circumstances. Rose seemed inordinately pleased and Donna was starting to suspect that perhaps that drink had not been left there accidentally.  She wished those two would just deal with their emotions already. This was a bit of a drastic move seeing as The Doctor could bloody well die if he doesn’t have sex like. Right. Now. Bloody hell! Well at least she wasn’t the one that was going to have to blow him this time…although maybe she’d let him shag her since she, after all, knew exactly how he liked it. A quick ride and a little twist of the hips and he was putty. Well, technically it would be she shagging him but whatever.

Donna allowed Rose to take The Doctors rock hard penis in hand, then let Rose admire its length and girth which, in retrospect,  were really nothing to be ashamed about: not that she’d ever tell The Doctor that…his head was obviously swollen enough at the moment.

“Well? Get to it” Donna barked at Rose, as she noticed Rose hesitating before lowering her mouth onto The Doctor. “You’re going to have to be a bit quicker than that! The Doctor likes it fast and hard dearie.”

Oh never mind,” Donna exclaimed, “let me.” And she proceeded to lap and suck on The Doctors penis. She ran her tongue roughly along that throbbing vein she found particularly hard to resist, then sucked The Doctors’ balls into her mouth. She released them with an audible pop, then nibbled her way up to the spongy head and stuck the tip of her tongue into the small slit she found there. She gestured Rose over quickly. As soon as Rose was close enough she helped her discard her jeans and panties then grabbed her hips and guided her over The Doctors length. Rose looked at her, wide-eyed and innocent, and like hell Donna was falling for that look.  Donna forced Rose down one handed as she held The Doctor steady in her other hand. Donna was starting to feel more than a bit of throbbing of her own. Oooh The Doctor was going to owe her a very special tongue-lashing.

Rose didn’t seem to need any more encouragement from her but Donna gave her pointers anyway. Like she wanted to watch this for any length of time. She felt like she was the one who had had the reaction from the Dr. Pepper and wanted Rose to speed it up so she could go to her room and take care of herself…at least until The Doctor recovered enough to repay her properly. Without Rose watching.

Donna quickly came back to herself and decided that she needed to help things along. As Rose rode the bucking Doctor, Donna grabbed both The Doctors legs and forced him to bend and spread them a bit. There was a bit of jostling but Donna managed to get his long legs into position. Then she licked her finger and proceeded to work it into The Doctors’ puckered entrance. She was pleased to see The Doctors’ hips drive up sharply into Rose as she tickled his prostate.  She knew he wouldn’t last long now.

With a strangled yelp, The Doctor released into Rose and went limp so suddenly Rose had to ask him if was still alive.

He was.

Donna helped The Doctor up. Rose grabbed an arm while Donna grabbed the other and together they led him back to his room to recover. As they walked out of his room, Donna heard The Doctor mumbling, “I’m so sorry. So sorry Donna. So sorry Rose.”  Donna went back and brushed his sweaty hair off his forehead. “No worries Doctor” She replied quietly, “just remember not to drink that stuff anymore. I’ll make sure Rose gets rid of all of it. No repeats here.”

As Donna and Rose walked out of his room, the Doctor could hear Donna berating Rose about her choice in drinks and just what was she thinking leaving it right where The Doctor could get it? Didn’t she know how absentminded The Doctor was when he was working on his Tardis? He’d put anything in his mouth ….

…and if Donna had looked back at that moment she would have caught that dirty smirk The Doctor had on his face. He hoped Donna wouldn’t find the stash of Dr. Pepper he had in the galley. One companion or another had left it there and he had no intentions of getting rid of any of it. Well… except when he really, really needed it.

shag or die, doctor who, ten/donna/rose

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