What did I just watch? [Bloodlines reaction]

May 07, 2014 02:25

Can living people spin in their graves? Cause if Kripke were dead, I'm sure he would have just from the soundtrack of Bloodlines. God, tell me he wasn't involved. This was bad. So bad I couldn't enjoy the fact I was watching Supernatural with the rest of the world instead of nine years late for the first time. It was worse than Man's Best Friend with Benefits. Worse than a weak episode of Charmed. Worse than Smallville when it's bad.
In fact it was so bad it felt like Sam and Dean and Jensen and Jared were apologizing to the viewers:

This season is good. I know it must be hard to see it now, but I marathoned through the whole show in five months, S9 included, and though it's not perfect once you'll get to watch it on DVD as a whole I think you'll agree (assuming the finale would be as good as it feels like it's going to be).

But Bloodlines' problem isn't that it was a backdoor pilot too deep in the seasonal plot, nor the whole monster mafia thing - it's actually a cool idea. It's problem is it's BAD. It felt like the network wanted yet another teen drama with monsters so they took a bit from True Blood, through in some Twilight and don't forget to add some werewolves ('kids like Teen Wolf, right?'). Then they remembered they've got the rights on Supernatural so they can use an established mythology and the name, and viola! A new show.

This… thing was all over the place. It was too crowded with characters even for a pilot (not to mention it's a backdoor pilot, not the same thing!), tried to build depth to characters way too fast (oh no, the star-crossed lovers I don't know nor care for are crying!), used terrible, terrible flashbacks to explain stuff that shouldn't be explained this early on if they need a flashback to do so and don't get me started with the clichés and bad acting, especially from the hunter-cop guy and the lead girl.

There was one single scene in the whole episode that actually worked, when Dean and Sam got in the car with what's-their-names. It lasted 20 seconds.
This was disappointing even if it had no connection to Supernatural, but wasting a whole episode on this thing in this crazy season that already have some serious struggles with pace is just annoying.

There are a million spin offs you can create out of Supernatural. Just from the top of my head, stuff I'd like to watch includes Men of Letters in the fifties, early John days with weechesters, young Mary with her hunter family, grey-area monsters like Lenore or Amy Pond, the angels, the demons, reapers, prophets, a spinoff for Charlie, Jody, Kevin, Garth, Meg… Hell, I would take a spin off for Becky over this!

This? Isn't one.

Did I mention that damn soundtrack?

supernatural, episode reactions

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