Nov 06, 2003 18:34
much has happened since the last update. today was both the worst and best day of my life. i say worst because i almost died. i say best because i didn't. today when i was coming home from my piano lesson my car skidded. i was coming off the ramp from 805 south to 8 east... it's really tricky because right after you get on the 8 there's an exit so you have to switch really fast. i was switching lanes and all of a sudden the car in front of my comes to a complete stop (because the exit was so backed up)... i swerved to the left into the next lane over to avoid hitting the car, but swerved so much i strayed two lanes over. i know you're supposed to turn into a skid, but i didn't want to keep turning into other lanes, so i turned back to the right, but overcompensated and so my car spun completely around in the other direction. basically i did a u-turn right in the middle of a 7-lane freeway. i definitely could have died, and it's a miracle that i didn't. even more miraculous, my car did not have a single scratch and i did not collide with a single other vehicle. that is amazing, considering that this happened dead in the middle of rush hour traffic. wow, i still can't believe it, that was so scary. so we got my car off the freeway, someone turned it around for me, and then i proceeded to exit the freeway and pull into a parking lot to calm down and talk to my mom. then as i was leaving the parking lot, i stopped because the car in front of me stopped to wait for another car to pull out, and as i was stopped, another car pulls out of its spot and hits me! it wasn't a big hit at all, nothing happened to either car, but wow... 2 accident-like things in 1 day. in other news, i have decided to stop smoking... when we went to natasha's house last week after the 5-times-in-one-day session, her parents totally knew. i know this doesn't seem like a big deal whatsoever, but we really hurt and embarrassed natasha, and her parents are the nicest people of my entire life. i can't even imagine what they think of me and abby, me in particular. oh wow. so anyway, i'm stopping. not that i will never do it again, just i'm not going to be a regular user anymore, only at parties and on special occassions. i think i'm going to have a big smoke-out this weekend so we can finish all of our weed, and then frodo and the baaaby are going to get packed away. lastly, i rode my first shelf of a wave 2 days ago. the end.