Title: Sentinel Rock sung to Jingle Bell Rock
Fandom: The Sentinel
Pairings: None
Rating: G
Genre: FILK
Author: JustJeanette
Disclaimer: I don't own the characters or the original song and lyric however the Filk is mine so if you share please credit here. I wish I was able to make money filking but I don't yet I still do this for fun.
Archive: Yes.
Senti-nel, Senti-nel
Senti-nel Skills
Senti-nel sees
And Senti-nels hears
Scenting and chasing
Up Perps by the ton
Now Cascade's Crims are om the run
Senti-nel, Senti-nel
Senti-nel Skills
Senti-nels huntin'
Senti-nel time
Blair Sandburg guidin'
His Senti-nel there
In the frosty air
What a bright time
It's the right time
To lock the crooks away
Senti-nel, time
It's a fun time
To chase the thieves in a
Ford classic truck
Hurry up, Sandburg run
Pick up your feet
Protecting around the clock
Jim and Sandburg
Policin' the beat
That's the Senti-nel rock