So here it is for all of you to peruse. The grand daddy of surveys. I honestly haven't ever filled a survey out that is this long. Hmmm...anyways...
1. Your Full name: Justin Michael Parker
2. Do you feel like your name fits you? I happen to enjoy my name very much
3. Do you have an alter ego? If so, what is his/her name? I could be a schizofrenic, but I doubt it. The only ego I know is good ol' JP.
4. Where were you born? Tacoma General Hospital
5. Where do you live? E-burg (Lacey soon)
6. Do you like to travel? sure
7. What is your birthday? Jan. 16th, 1981.
8. Do you have siblings? three younger sisters and a younger brother
9. Do you have pets? dog named Joseph and a cat named Fatty Turbo
10. Which was the happiest year of your life? My Junior year in High School. I was athletic, played allthe sports I loved, my sports teams were league champs, and I had a girlfriend who liked me (later on she ripped my heart out)
11. How old do you wish you were? 16
12. A movie is being made about your life: I am an average, overweight guy. Nobody would want to see it.
13. Who would you cast to play your significant other? Some girl-next-door type who plays with my mind constantly and leads me on throughout the whole movie, only to NOT choose me at the end.
14. How would this movie end? With me shrugging my shoulders in defeat and the girl running off with someone else, victorious.
15. Is it better to be famous or infamous? I have never had fame, so I dunno.
16. Youre going to die a natural death. What is the cause? In my sleep, of old age.
17. Youre going to die a sudden, tragic death. What is the cause? I get shot in the head by a sniper who is a rabid WSU Cougar fan after my Huskies win. He shoots me because earlier in the evening I make fun of WSU.
18. How long do you plan on living? As long as God wants me here.
19. What was the last song you got stuck in your head? "I don't want to know" by Mario Winans.
20. Sing any commercial jingle. The juice is loose..Juicyfruit.
21. What is your favourite element on the periodic table? I say helium...because it can be funny.
22. Sunrise or sunset? sunset...sunrises are too early.
23. Introvert or extrovert? extrovert with introvert tendencies.
24. Creation or evolution? Creation.
25.Action or reaction? reaction.
26. Unity or individuality? individuality.
27. Hugs or drugs? I don't do drugs
28. Animal, vegetable, or mineral? animal.
29. Popsicle, creamcicle, or fudgecicle? creamcicle.
30. Fight or flight? very much fight.
31. Who is your favorite historical figure? Adolf Hitler...regardless of how evil he was, he is one of the most charismatic humans who has ever lived. How he came to power is absolutely fascinating. (I don't agree with any of his beliefs, just so you know)
32. Which historical figure could we have done without? Obviously my answer to the previous question is someone who this world could have done without...I also feel that Jen Estroff is capable of mass evil as well. What we have experienced of her so far is just a taste of what is to come.
33. What happened in the last dream you remember? was back in high school playing basketball with my little brother...we were on the same team, only I wasn't athletic, I was the same weight I was now, with a bad knee...the dream kinda sucked actually.
34. Do nice guys really finish last? I am a nice guy and I have yet to NOT finish last. So yes they do. It sucks
35. What are your favourite boy names? Niles, Jordan, Kelly, Simon.
36. What are your favourite girl names? Jennifer, Samantha, .
37. Open or closed? open.
38. White bread or wheat bread? wheat.
39. Is it better to burn out than to fade away? I would say fade away.
40. You put a quarter into a toy machine: I get nothing, the machine eats my quarter.
41.What do you want to be when you grow up? Married and successful.
42. What were your favourite childhood toys? Legos are pretty tight
43. What was your first pet(s)? Bandit the cat, Jasper the big dog, and Skippy my littler dog..
44. What annoys you? Not knowing, getting taken advantage of, practical jokes.
45. What is your favourite action caption from the old batman tv show? Zap!
46. How many licks does it take to get to the centre of a tootsie pop? I always get frustrated and impatient and chomp it after a while.
47. The glass... half empty or half full? I agree w/ Alison...just half.
48. Tightie whities: i own a few..but prefer boxer briefs.
49. Mc Donalds happy meals: for kids.
50. Reality shows: Very, very sick of them...the best reality shows are on MTV.
51. Gummi bears or gummi worms? worms.
52.Would you rather sky dive or deep sea dive? deep sea dive.
53. Paper or plastic? plastic.
54. What position do you sleep in? side/stomach
55. Do you sleep on the left, right, or the middle of the bed? I tend to not sleep in the middle...I usually pick a side
56. Sweet or sour? sour.
57. What was your favourite after school special? the one where the kid was peer pressured into trying drugs...oh wait, they were all like that. Stupid I say.
58.What is your favourite word? is.
59. Beach or mountains? mountains.
60. Mounds or almond joy? almond is mounds with a present.
61. Do YOU feel like a nut? a cashew maybe.
62. To give or to recieve? give.
63. Chocolate or caramel? caramel.
64. Do you have any nicknames? JP, Park, Parks, Pork Chop, Park-Her, Bustin Justin, Fuck-stick (from Robert), Just, JPizzle, Fucker (again..from Robert).
65. What does your name mean? Justice?
66. Have you ever fainted? every time I get a shot.
67.Have you ever had a crush on a school teacher? When I was a Senoir in HS, we had a really hot student teacher for CP Sr. English. Wow she was fine.
68.What was the last thing you ate? a chocolate cream pie (against my diet, but oh well).
69.Do you have any bad habits? yes...I swear sometimes...and I bite my fingernails.
what is the first thing that comes to mind when you hear...
70. Grey... perfect, rainy days.
71. Human... God.
72. Fruit loop... colorful.
73. Glove... Mariner's baseball.
74. Plum... pudding.
75. Structure... something that I MUST have in life.
76. Race... too much effort.
77. Heart... always broken.
78. Parasite... sickness.
79. What was your first happy memory? going to practice and playing basketball when I was really little when my dad coached at South Kitsap HS.
80. What was your first unhappy memory? getting stung by a bee when i was 3 or 4.
81. If you could visit any time period, what would it be? the 1940's.
82.What would Jesus do? Love others unconditionally.
83. Make up a word and define it: Too much brain power is required.
84.Favourite kool aid flavour? grape.
85. Favourite pick up line? "So...are you into fat guys with no money?"
86. Who was the third gunman on the grassy knoll? a Mafia hitman.
87. What did you like to make believe as a child? that I was Luke Skywalker and then my friend was Han Solo and my sister was Princess Leia...playing Star Wars was the best.
88. Did you have an immaginary friend? nah...I had no need for one.
89. Would you like to live in a castle or a mansion? a castle.
90. Re-arrange some of the letters in your first, middle, and last name to form a description of yourself. Seriously too much work.
91. Do it fast or do it right? do it right.
92.What was the last book you read? the 5th Harry Potter book.
93.Have you ever had surgery? yes, unfortunately.
94. Random fact about you: my thumbs are funny looking.
95. What is the first thing you wash in the shower? my hair.
96. What is your favourite cereal? Alison, wow... special k is my fav too!
97. If you could learn any foreign language, what would it be? I would say Chinese.
98. If you had the choice to live forever, would you? I am going to.
99. If you had the choice to be the opposite sex for a day, would you? I dunno...that is kinda wierd.
100. Fate? sure.
101. Ghosts? sometimes.
102. God? for sure.
103. Big foot? maybe.
104. Soul mates? my belief that my soul mate exists fades with each lonely, passing day.
105. Aliens? nope.
106. Angels? yes.
107. Loch ness monster? maybe.
108. Heaven and hell? yes.
109. The Zodiac? not a chance.
110. Love at first sight? yes.
111. Karma? nope.
112. Vampires? negative...althought they make good horror monsters.
113. If you had any super power, what would it be? ability to read minds, super-strength.
114. Would you use your power for good or evil? good.
115. Name something nostalgic: old basketball posters.
116. What are your turn ons in the opposite sex? the moment right after they get changed for bed, when they have no make-up on, and are completely natural.
117. What are your turn offs in the opposite sex? corrupt, fake, tendency to lead you on (some of them).
118. What was the best compliment ever given to you? "Your butt looks nice in those pants." from my Ex-G/F in High School...stupid witch
119. Which character from Scooby Doo do you most relate to? Fred.
120. What is the worst trend of the present time? Abercrombie...that company has spawned so many fake people...I hate it.
121. Beer or wine? beer for sure.
123. You can't sleep. What do you do? get up, check sports scores and news, fall back asleep.
124. Do you wear jewelry? I used to wear pooka shell necklacesback in HS.
125. What is your favourite smell? The smell of a sweatshirt after you let your G/F borrow it for a week.
126. What was the best decade of the past century? the 70's.
127. Which is your favourite month of the year? tie...October/November.
128. Do you smoke? nope.
129. Do you drink? sometimes, but not so much anymore.
130. What was your favourite subject in school? History.
131. What was your worst subject in school? math and science.
132. If you had to give up one of your senses, what would it be? Zak???.
133. Do you follow your head, your heart, or your crotch? heart and head.
134. Do you truly know who you are? Yeah...but I am capable of so much more than people realize.
135. Are you superstitious? nope.
136. Are you sentimental? a little bit.
137. How many times a day do you eat? 2-4.
138. Are you more of a main idea or detail type of person? oh detail for sure.
139. What is your favourite pie? I like chocolate cream...maybe Pecan Pie.
140. Have you ever been close to death? maybe...I dunno.
141. Do you like roller coasters? sure do.
142. Apples or oranges? apples.
143. Are you hyperactive? not really.
144. Do you talk in your sleep? Apparently I snore.
145. What is your favourite holiday? March least it's a holiday in my mind.
146. Do you go to church? yes.
147. At what age do you think you will be married?I am starting to think I won't ever be married.
148. If you could open up your own business, what would it be? A bookstore...I could LIVE in a bookstore or a library I think.
149. What was the name of your first boyfriend/girlfriend? Elle Marsh.
150. What is your weakness? food, laziness, my temper.
151. What was the last movie you saw that made you cry? I think maybe Rudy...but I'm not sure.
152. If love were a flavor, which flavor would it be? something sweet.
153. If hate were a flavor, which flavor would it be? Licorice.
154. Have you ever been prescribed any drugs? yes.
155. Is lying sometimes necessary? I guess so.
156. Bubbleyum or bubblicious? Winterfresh.
157. What is your favourite curse word? the one I use the most is "Goddamn it dude!"...But I am trying not to swear anymore.
158. Do you have any birthmarks? Ummm...maybe...I'm not sure.
159. If you could visit anywhere in the US, where would it be? New York.
160. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be? British Isles...I want to live there.
162. Do you feel like your physical self matches your personality? no...I am fat, and my personality is that of an athlete
163. What was the name of your kindergarten teacher? Mrs. Knisely.
164. Do you wear glasses or contacts? both.
165. How tall are you? 5'11".
166. How tall would you like to be? 6'3".
167. Your current mood: tired, worn out (both emotionally and physically).
168. Do you dress up for halloween? not for a long time.
169. Have you ever been in a car accident? Yes.
170. What is your favourite lucky charm? I don't believe in luck.
171. What colour of underwear are you wearing? white with gray.
172. Do you tend to date people younger or older than you? younger...although I have dated older.
173. Do your exes look alike? ummm...nah.
174. Do your exes act alike? hells no.
175. Have you ever been in love? I have loved but have never been IN love.
176. What is your favourite kids movie? Karate Kid.
177. Have you ever hallucinated? When I had a fever in 2nd grade I saw Superman flying around my room. No joke. He didn't leave my room for three days.
178. What do you like most about the opposite sex? When they actually like me is rare, but it has happened.
179. What do you hate most about the opposite sex? I already answered this above I thought, but I guess when they are untrustworthy or untruthful.
180. Have you ever been on a blind date? was not very fun.
181. Would you want to be cloned? nah.
182. Have you ever peed in public? Ummm...not that I remember.
183. Are you an optimist or a pessimist? optimist sometimes...pessimist right now.
184. How did you find out that there was no santa claus? My cousins and I had a very serious, deep conversation on Christmas Eve when we were in 2nd grade at my Grandparents house. It was then I found out the horrible truth.
185. Pancakes or waffles? waffles if I have to choose.
186. Are you on a diet? yes....being fat sucks.
187. Why is the grass always greener on the other side? because I am never satisfied with where I am...It is human nature to want what others already have.
188. Do you always want what you cant have? sometimes..not always.
189. Do you act stupid around someone you have a crush on? nah.
190. Have you ever been arrested? no.
191. Can you cook? Wow...yes I can cook...very well in fact.
192. Do you think its wrong/weird if a girl asks a guy out? No...I welcome it.
193. Do you have any allergies? nah.
194. Ketchup or catsup? on french fries, burgers, eggs, and burritos
195. Do you believe there is a meaning to life? It is to live according to God's will.
196. What do you think about before you fall asleep? I usually pray for my friends and family before I go to sleep.
197. What are your thoughts on the nature of good and evil? I dunno...they are opposites?
198. Step into your cave. There you will find your power animal. What kind of animal is it? a Rhino.
199.What does your power animal say to you? it says "be strong and lead." Wow I am cheesy.
200. End this survey with a quote: "To give anything less than your best is to sacrifice the gift" - Steve Prefontaine
Aiight ladies and gents...that's all I got.