"And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-begotten Son of God, begotten of the Father before all ages; Light of Light, true God of true God, begotten, not created, of one essence with the Father through Whom all things were made
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I decided that I was unhappy with what was being taught in Church School and especially with the environment of that instruction. There have been repeated incidents of bullying and ethno-centric preference and instruction. I have decided to become the primary religious instructor for Euphemia (age five years three months) … Octavia is too young (
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On the 23rd of December, 1783 General George Washington holding both legal and popular power stunned the world when he resigned, returned his commission to Congress and left for home. At the time King George III of England declared that because of this George Washington was the "the greatest character of the age
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Recently a seminary comrade and I began exchanging e-mails. In the exchange I made a comment about the state of theology among Orthodox Christians in the United States today. That comment stated that I have come to believe that theology among Orthodox Christians in the United States has stagnated
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American or should I say USA holidays are always for me a time of excitement and mild trepidation. I was raised to be patriotic in the true sense of the word. Holidays were not just shopping, picnicking, re-unions, or relaxing from work time. Holidays had meaning and purpose. Reading the Declaration on the Fourth and talking about the founders
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