Aug 11, 2010 20:29
There’s this one house with a big garden I pass on my way to and from work. Every now and then I see the old couple that lives there. The old woman in particular has a way of sneaking up on me. I’ll be walking along when suddenly I'll hear someone laughing at me, and the old woman will be standing less than four feet away from me.
Today on my way home I found the woman standing in the middle of the road with a green squash in her hand. She held it out to me and gestured that I should take it. So I did. I was a little worried that maybe the squash was haunted (Kidding aside, I'm more worried the woman might have dementia), but later when I was on my way to the mart I saw the woman again. She laughed, as usual, held up her bag, saying “Soju” (Korean hard liquor), and walked away.
Really, if she were a ghost I wouldn’t mind.