Finaly..almost fucking over!

Dec 27, 2006 18:30

Thank mother fucking Jesus this year is almost over! Other then a few yeas ago when my Grammy died this has been the worst year of my life. Ok, this is where I list all the bad shit:

1. Constant money problems.

2. We had to move out of our nice appartment near UCLA because A) They were going to raise the rent from $1250 to $1600 for our one bedroom apartment! Robbery! On top of that we were battling a leak under our bathroom floor that had managed to seep into the walls and make them all moist. The apt. "handy men" (aka illegal mexicans living in the place for free cause they do shody work)kept insisting that it was water leaking from under the shower curtain. Yeah, no. Way too much water Rodrigo! Anyway, we started to get suspicious of the leak so we called in a mold inspector. $500 later we find out that we got toxic black mold growing in the walls and in the floor. Awsome! So we tell the manager, he calls up liars..litteraly. I tell him to go back to Iraq and get his dick shot off by an American trooper. He gets pissed. So we send them a note saying we are moving out because their refusal to fix the leak and mold puts them in breach of contract. So we move the valley, some 15 miles north of where we used to live. Its a nice 1500 sq. ft. 2 bedroom and we pay $1550. $50 less then the smaller 1 bedroom. I'm also next door to a homie/co-worker of mine so he pays us gas, woot. Old apartment dosen't try to come after us. Double woot.

3. I have all kinds of weird shit happen with my baby aka my car. I have a tensioner pully lock up so I replace that. Mass air flow sensor goes bad..replaced. Throttle position sensor bad...fixed. Replace my belts, and all fluids. Runs good. Then she starts to run bad again. Not getting any acceleration at all. Its could be a number of things. Well after a month of trying different things and taking shit appart I finaly figure it out...I should have thought of it right way too and saved myself a month of hassel...I replace one of my ignition coils. Problem solved! I decide fuck it and replace them all and get new wires. Now she runs bad ass! But thats no the end of the story. A month ago U ran over a large wad of cotton on the freeway. I watched it shoot out the bottom of the car and thought nothing on of it. About a week ago my traction control light and ABS light come on, my stearing stiffens up. Arg, what now. I jack up the car and find a shit load of cotton wound up in my wheel hub. Damn it. So now I have to take it all apart and try to fix it. If that dont fix it I have to spend $65 to buy a new hub. Ending to story pending...

4. We got realy owned 2 weeks ago. Amber got an advance on her Jan. paycheck to the sum of $900 some odd and change. She signed it over to me and put it into my account on friday, like she always does when her account is negative. Fun times. Only this time they didnt take it. They processed it, put the money into my account and THEN notice it was a 3rd party check and promptly took it out, leaving us with no money...litteraly. Both of our accounts were negative by about $200. All this is because of Ambers misplaced trust in her looser dad to get us some of the 3k he owes us. Well it never came in and we didnt get the patcheck money. We went to the bank to find out what happened that monday. Turns out that is was sent back to us in the mail and we wouldn't have it back for about 3-5 days. Fuck. It just gets better. We have no money, no food..and I mean no food, and I dont have enough gas in my tank to even get to fucking work. So the next day we walk 5-6 miles to a pay day advance place and they front us $190. Sweet. Get gas up the car and buy food...lots of food. Check finaly comes in on friday...but we dont get it cause the fucking mail man put it into the wrong box!!! It just gets better. We get the check sat night by accident. We ran into the manager who says we have mail in the office that someone got in their box. Awsome. Well, not so much. Bank not open sunday and its x-mas eve! Damn. Cant put it in monday cause its x-mas. So, Amber takes it with her to Virginia and deposits it into my account yesterday, we are rockin. Sitting pretty.

5. All the stress from all this shit on top of my ever increasing need to have to take my Zoloft to control the obsessive compulsive behavior has startedto make my hair thin out on top a little. Its not bad but it aint nice and thick anymore. Its not genetice because no one in my family has ever gone bald. Finaly I can start getting my medication again in a few weeks. Then I get to be happy and not twitchy anymore haha.

6. I got a parking ticket..what the fuck.

7. I got a ticket a few months ago for having tinted windows. Apparently its illegal to have the front driver and passenger windows tinted in Cali. Even though my car is registered in texas the cop still gives me the ticket. Asshole.

8. I get a speeding ticket. Says I'm going 50 in a 25 (school zone). Now this is bullshit for real. I was having the engin trouble with the ignition coils at the time I got this fucking ticket. There is no way in hell I got my car up to 50 in that short of a distance while runnig on only 5 cylinders. Plus, if I pushed to hard on the gas the engine would die. Like I said, bullshit. I get to goto court in Jan and try to explain the situation and get rid of this damn ticket.

So yeah, finaly, this shit is over. I'm going to get my ass fucking drunk as hell my my homies new years party then crawl the 10 feet to my apt from his and forget all about this year. Hell yeah.

Awaiting the new year,
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