Nov 02, 2011 22:15

I went to a NaNo write-in today! Nobody I knew was there, so I was basically the quiet one in the corner. And I wrote ~1500 words! On three different stories! I didn't think I could actually do the crazy "write 50,000 words comprising ALL THE FIC" idea I came up with, but now I rather wonder if I can. :D

First I wrote ~400 words on a Doctor Who story that really, really needs a plot and doesn't have one (dratted Delgado!Master, always requiring plots, WHY CAN'T YOU JUST HANG AROUND AND BE FUN?), then I wrote ~1000 words on a DS9 story I've wanted to do forever but couldn't get the voice for - the general "write all the words" tone of NaNo makes me a bit babbly, which was just right for this piece - and then I wrote a TOS drabble.


Title: Have You Hugged Your Vulcan Lately?
Summary: Blanketfic for Fanbingo! Spock/McCoy hypothermia friendship blanketfic! Leonard McCoy, Competent Frackin Awesome Medical Professional!
Notes: 100 words, gen, and probably not as awesome as that summary sounds. Because it would be very, very hard to be that awesome. (Anyone else want to take a crack at it? *pweeeeze*)

"Doctor," said Spock, "your efforts are futile."

"Don't care," Bones grumbled through clenched teeth. He didn't want Spock to hear his voice shake. "'M going to save our lives or die tryin'." The blanket wasn't warm enough, the wind and snow were too cold, and even if he himself survived the next five hours, odds were that the desert-raised Vulcan wouldn't. Man didn't even seem to know how to shiver.

"Doctor McCoy, that is a highly illogical way to state a simple truism," Spock began to expostulate, and Bones grinned.

Just keep arguin', Spock, till I get you home.

tos: spock, star trek, picowrimo, fanbingo, tos: bones, nanowrimo

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