I'm either feeling very good or else I am insane...

Jul 21, 2011 23:47

...no, scratch that, I'm definitely insane. ;-)

(The specific instance of insanity? I wanted a Monkees icon. A Peter Tork icon, to be precise, because that man was beautiful back in the day. (Makes me wonder about some other gangly straight-haired Vietnam-era guys I know, actually, as he's grown up to look just like them... /OT) So I went and poked round monkeeicons. And THEN, having found about two dozen Peter icons I liked - which took a while, as for some reason Peter isn't as icon-ed as the others *this puzzles me* - I have, er, deleted all my other icons and uploaded thirteen Peter Tork icons and one Monkees group shot. O_O So, um, don't be too perplexed when all my replies to your Doctor Who and DS9 posts have irrelevant silly-faced but gorgeous icons on them! *lol*)

(I will eventually settle back down to having one icon per fandom. Eventually. :D Right now? I'm having way too much fun having multiple choices here. *g*)

general waffling, fandom: the monkees

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