Things what there are

Sep 16, 2011 16:33

Sometimes the Internet comes up with some truly awesome stuff.

Case in point:

Old Spice/Beowulf crossover fic. No, really. This is from last Yuletide. A snippet:

'He spoke these words: / "Look upon me.
Now upon yourselves. / Again upon me.
You are not me."'

Also, some other links!

* Last October, pocky_slash apparently held the Not My Fandom Fest on their journal - in which people wrote commentfic about fandoms they only knew by fannish osmosis. Christmas at the Stargate Lounge (SG-1 classic team, filed under the SGA heading because that's the sort of fest it was) is a fair example. And hilarious.

* Dinosaur Feathers Trapped In Amber: A Slideshow. DINOSAUR. FEATHERS. IN. AMBER. Tell me the world did not just get more awesome. XD

* fictualities left LJ a couple years back, but left behind them a fantastic series of thinky essays about LOTR, the book. I haven't finished them yet, but AWESOME.

dinosaurs, fandom: beowulf, fic rec, science, fandom: lord of the rings, fandom: old spice commercials, fandom: stargate sg-1

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