Three interactive memes!

Sep 02, 2011 02:38

1: The icon meme! From nenya_kanadka.

1. Reply to this post with "UNICORNS", and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon glee.

Under a cut for babblage )

icon waffling, silliness, meme

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justice_turtle September 5 2011, 23:23:45 UTC
Three/Liz? Oh dear. That's one of the very few pairings (possibly the only pairing?) that I actually 'ship sexually in, er, some detail. :S I shall endeavor to keep it mild, though.

1. Okay, I'll make this "first official date". After the TARDIS is fixed, he eventually gets around to picking Liz up again and taking her to the most romantic planet he can think of... or trying to. (I suspect the TARDIS might be a bit jealous!) Anyway, they wind up somewhere reasonably romantic and have a lovely date with snuggling - Three is the most snuggle-able Doctor *nods* - and maaaybe a snog and tactful fade-to-black at some point. (Depends how jealous the TARDIS would be; you don't want to irritate the transportation!)

But Liz doesn't want to spend half her life chasing round random planets after an extremely sexy alien troublemaker, so she eventually insists on going back to Cambridge to build her own life and career. She's very helpful to UNIT after Four gallivants off with Sarah and leaves them in the lurch, though.

2. Hmm. That's a tricky one. Um... Liz? Just barely. Only because there is more of it, and it is shiiiiiny. (And ginger.) But Three's floofy white hair is very pretty too.

3. Whether things are scientifically possible, who should make the tea and hold the test tubes, in what way the Brigadier is most annoying, why either one of them is working for the military, where they should go next, whether the Doctor can really steer the TARDIS, what Liz should do with her life... EVERYTHING, in short. They're like flint and steel: the more they clash, the hotter things get. (Er, did that come out a bit wrong? *wry grin*)

4. Liz. She's very practical - and she left him. The Doctor would mope like he always does.

5. A sort of Sarah-Jane-like situation where he keeps dropping in on her every so often throughout her life to have tea and other things (sorry) and argue about science. And probably save the world.


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