(no subject)

Jun 25, 2019 11:33

60 years ago, a messenger was sent to the mankind. To become the voice of those who had no voice at all. To show the endless ways of love and help us open our hearts to those in need, and to each other. The mankind failed to appreciate the gift. The messenger was humiliated, laughed at, used and beaten down, all in the hands of men and women who wanted only golden feathers. So they kept tearing at the messenger, demanding more and more, and never thanking him in return. Until the heavens said "no more!" - and took him back. That was 10 years ago.

We never learn. But some of us remember. Some of us were saved. Some of us have walked that road of L.O.V.E. with him, and keep walking still.

With every tear in every sound
Consumed with the fire that never burns out
Finding a way through the dark
Love will leave a mark
(c) Red

I am sorry, Michael. We didn't even try to help...


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