A six year old wants to blow me up!

Aug 05, 2005 13:04

There are times in life when things that you know become reality. I have known the US actions in the Middle East has caused negative views towards american but last night that became a reality. As part of the program I'm in we were doing social service with children of Pakistani and Tibet decent. Our training was bit strange since even the director of the program seemed very distastful of them, they are poor and will remain so. It was alot different then lets help improve people chances idea I've heard with volunteering in America. So we were doing orgami with these kids last night. As everyone was getting there this little boy who turned out to be 6 asked if we were American. One of the girls answered some us were and his response sums up a much greater issue. I hate you, I hate all American,I want to blow you up, I want to see your blood, We blow you up, America will be done, Allah will make us triump, followed by machine gun sounds and gestures by all his friends then one of them spiting at us. I stayed most the other US girls left. Elsewhere in the room another US girl was being sexually harashed in an exteremly crude matter by some teenage boys citing there distaste for Americans. After all this we sit down and start folding orgami. I sit next to a Pakenstania girl who ends up being te little boys older sister. She is 16 and very nice, she says people need to realize that there are bad my people and bad your people, but there not the whole. It turns out her brother was born in Hong Kong. She would like to visit Pakenstan which she left when she was 3 but wants to remain in Hong Kong to live.
Does the US govt. not get that we are never going to end the bombs as long as this is what 6 year olds are feeling. there is such hate. We need to think about the consequences of our actions. We need to help improve the quality of life. in Iraq we need to try to make sure people fell there is justice. Order is needed for safety. If we just lock everyone up that will just mean new younger people will come to avenge those we have locked away. We need to go to the core to the root, and stop just gathering the fruit that is produced.
I sit here typing this as I decide weither or not to go to a BBQ with these same people tonight. I know they are not all like the boy. I know I most likely can't/won't change him but maybe I can, atleast shouldn't I try or should I just realize its hopeless and go out to dinner and clubs with the other Americans. If I do meet him again someday peering in fear at his bomb will what I feel I made the right decision. Honestly I don't think I can enact that much change either way. it's people like his sister, Puma, and those that can see that not everyone thinks the same way, and can make the differnce from government and incent civilains, that can make the differnce. In return I feel i must try to have my govt. see that we need to pay attention to the rights of those we invade in the name of safety to insure safety.

6 year olds and bombs

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