Mar 25, 2010 08:27
[Hypnos has not entered his brothers room since his death, but he's there now, the computer in his lap as he sits cross-legged on Thanatos' bed, back against the headboard. The only light comes from the computer screen and lamp on the bedside table. Regardless, he wears his classic black wayfarers, and the only indication he's still awake are the rather listless fingers that brush lightly at the ears of the kitten in his arms.]
They are a comfort... [His voice is hoarse and so oddly monotone. Though he always sounds tired, this is more than that. The sound of sheets shifting against themselves as he shifts has more of an infliction and life to it than he does.] Animals. Kittens. They are... quite the companion. She will miss the... room, mm... does so love yo- his... pillows.
A week they say. These things never last for more than a week, a fleeting seven days. Five days, perhaps, if you are a weekend lad or lass. [Licking his lips, he continues to shift, restless and uncomfortable. He finally bows his head to kiss the top of Fiona's head as she mewls her disapproval of his movement, a peck of an apology as he lowers his voice.] Yes, dearest, I know.
Tonight, we say goodbye. With what has happened, what may happen, what will happen... For years I have helped with many a thing and we have always done them a certain way. A good way. But today they say you must let go to move on, to let the spirits move on. That seems unfair, unkind, perhaps, to trap spirits here.
I do not mean to be unkind. [He shifts again, and the cat seems to be fed up with him, squirming out of his arms and giving him a reproachful look before grooming herself. Hypnos almost smiles, the mere flinching movement of his lips quirking upwards, but it's gone so fast.] Goodbye, apartment. Goodbye, my room. Goodbye, Thanatos' room. [Pausing, he reaches back to pat the headboard of the bed. It is an old friend, after all. He visibly swallows, and you might see his jaw working, clenching, unclenching, tense.]
Goodbye, Thanatos. A better friend and brother one would be hard pressed to find, and as much as I desire to be selfish and keep you around, even if you are to be a spirit, I find myself unable to. The happiest of happinesses I wish upon you, brother, and do know I look forward to the next time I may be in your presence.
... and Nemesis, I did not forget you. I am simply of the knowledge that you are not a sap, and you do know I admire you so, and that is enough, isn't it?
[Ahem. He wipes his face then, a quick swipe, and clears his throat. His sleepy lilt is starting to return, along with that odd dazed smile of his.]
I suppose I should be preparing to embark on our rather odd last stand. It only seemed appropriate that I tie up my loose ends, you see. Take what is valuable to you, leave the rest. These silly mortal things... it really is surprisingly how much you accumulate just after a few months. One day, you are a near primordial being and the next... tsk.
If anyone should have a need for blankets and pillows, I will be bringing my rather extensive collection. Best of times, worst of times... Cronus seems to have picked up on the mortal love for theme... Yes, I do hear that is quite important. There is very little better than huddling with your loved ones, especially in times such as these. Morpheus, I will see you down there~? Don't give your old man cause to worry.
Ah, yes! [He reaches over to pull a jacket in front of the camera and gives it a wiggle. It is clearly Thanatos' jacket and... well. Hypnos is in his room, after all.] Lethe, darling? Favour a fool and suit up~? I feel a chill coming.
And before I spare you my further ramblings, citizens, what say you to a limerick~? There's a dear~...
A rabbi from far-off Peru was desperately trying to screw. His wife said, “Oy vey! If you keep on this way the Messiah will come before you.”
Ah, modern, organized religion~...
[Chuckling and leaning his cheek against his shoulder, he will just tip his imaginary hat to the camera.]
Adieu~ I will see you on the side of solidarity, pigeons.