Apr 17, 2007 19:52
It's been a crazy week.
Good parts and very bad parts.
Lets start with the bad:
Bill and I broke up.
I'm disgustingly sick right now.
I hate exams and quizzes.
School sucks ass.
I miss Morley like whooaaaa.
And the good:
Bill and I are going to work on being friends.
I've got an interview set up for a selfridge job this summer for next Thursday.
Rye's graduation is coming up.
I get to see both Rye and Bill this weekend.
Multiple things i am not allowed to discuss right now.
Thursday. Wednesday night. All exciting times to come.
I guess the good outweigh the bad right now. I know i'll be okay. I keep telling myself i will be, so that must make it true, huh?
I'm not too excited for the summer anymore. I wish i would've decided to stay up here in Mount Pleasant for summer classes and a job. It's not too late, i guess i can talk to some people about job shadowing and looking for a job up here... i can always see what i can find.
Going home is going to suck and i keep holding on to these next two weeks. I'm going to miss everyone so much here. Kerry, Rufio, Perry, Annie... everyone has been helping me through this and god, i owe them huge. It's okay. Rufio and I are in the same boat right now so at least we've all got each other.
This is such a different update from when i was first coming here. I was scared out of my mind that going to Central would be a huge mistake, but now i know how much i'm going to miss it this summer. The people, the memories, and the school. Next year is going to be so different. At least i've still got Kerry with me, and Annie will be a floor above, and Rufio and Perry will be on the second floor again - so everyone isn't too far away. Who knows? Maybe next year will be even better...
Depressing entry. Sorry guys.
<3 Brea