So today was WONDERFUL. It wasn't even really, I'm just so happy right now. After we did stepups we were going to run the hill and we're walking over and Malves and Alex just pop up from out of NOWHERE! (the train station) and it was a complete surprise and I've always wanted to be one of those people who sees someone they haven't in quite some time and yells OH MY GOD! and RUNS over and hugs them, and today I was able to, and it just made my day, make that week. And it even made up for the shitty shitty workout and me doing badly and barely even talking to Amadeus, that's how good it was.
And today after gov Mr. Dobbs beckoned me over and asked if I was on the crew team now, and I said yes, and he asked if I'd lost weight and I said no and looked confused, because I haven't, or if I have not a significant amount whatsoever, because I never lost the weight I put on. And prom dress shopping should be going on RIGHT NOW, so I need to get on that, but it made me happy he said that (although why would he notice...? weird) but that's motivation and when I'm motivated I can do it, losing weight is so easy you just have to want it REALLY FUCKING BAD. And then it comes off.
Anyway what's up with the gym teachers this year? They're NUTS, absolutely nuts, and I'm sorry but gym is just NOT A SERIOUS CLASS, especially for seniors no one gives a crap and you can't make them, maybe they're retaliating because they know we don't care. But I got this "Notice of Possible Failure," and I have Ms. Taudel and she LOVES ME, when I had her before she gave me a 99 for doing nothing, and I missed her class last week WITH PERMISSION and I only remember being unprepared once, come on Ms. Taudel, this is not cool. =( BUT EVEN WITH ALL THAT I'M STILL SO HAPPY! Sorry if this post was annoying I really wanted to write it