[Diary] 2010-10-25 Monday

Oct 25, 2010 13:39

Most of this past week I spent getting over a cold. Went to the office Monday despite the first serious signs, but the rest of the week was at home, hanging about bleary on the couch.

But! There were good parts.

* Got to spend extra time with Cat, who was also not feeling well.

* Went out to lunch with, and met for the first time, pharminatrix, who moved to Portland ME a couple of weeks ago. More great geeky local people! That makes 5 people in-town who have LJs! (The others being atheorist, sotto_voice, chang3002 and cacophonesque). Had a great time eating Thai and chatting about everything in the world.

* Watched a bunch of Angel (first season). Also, mtolan, like some sort of god-like Santa Claus, alerted me to the fact that there was new House MD episodes! (Those were quickly found and devoured).

* Played a lot of Fallout 3 (love it). Finished Final Fantasy Tactics Advance. Which I liked as a game, but loathed its plot and storyline. More on that later. Started up the sequel, 'Tactics A2.

* Winter and Fire, who we met at StrowlerCon through Lee, came to visit for the weekend. Instant bonding and massive conversations! (I secretly squeed that they both were anime fans). But the reason they came to visit was to go see the secret yearly art installation here on the island, that takes place in Battery Steel, the WWII fortress! Some of the art pieces were intensely cool, and some underwhelming. Great time overall.

* Picked up a hitchhiker this morning. I figured it was as safe as that sort of thing ever gets; mostly I was surprised there were still hitchhikers out there, what with massive police presence and laws against it. She was traveling back up to northern Maine from Boston (was originally planning to hike to California, but plans fell through, etc), so I gave her a ride as far as Augusta, on my way to work. An odd, but kind of cool morning.


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