Nov 05, 2007 22:03
How could I have forgotten from my not-so-comprehensive book list the one novel I've read lately: Quicksilver by Neal Stephenson?
This past weekend in Cadiz, I picked up some more books to add to the piles on the floor (shelves are full). One was America's Arts and Skills by the editors of Life, which shows all manner of things made in America from Colonial times through Victorian on up to the magnificent electronic circuit boards of 1955! (The original print date.) I also purchased Antiques of American Childhood. Printed in 1970, it covers costumes, educational materials, toys, games and dolls from the 18th and 19th centuries. I also bought French Now! because I just know that if I get enough French books piled up, they'll reach critical mass and inundate me with their knowledge.
Finally, I picked up The Confusion, the second book in Stephenson's Baroque Cycle. It's weird to read the source material for a character to whom I was introduced via fanfic! I was rather disappointed that the first book didn't contain any Jack Shaftoe, but O! Now he's here and charmingly amnesiac.
ETA: Upon consultation with Wikipedia, apparently the book Quicksilver that I read was only book one of volume one, also called Quicksilver, and The Confusion is all of Vol. II. This has led to some confusion of my own.