
Dec 04, 2011 14:51

So, a few things have changed since I last checked-in here at my old, Internet home. I'm out of practice with writing, but hoping (as always) to get back on the proverbial horse.

Shall we recount the most significant events? Great!

  1. I turned 30 and survived. I went to Dallas for the wedding of my dear friend Meghan and had a great weekend away in nice, warm weather surrounded by grad school friends and DMA/museum friends.

  2. At brunch that birthday weekend with my two social media friends, Alyssa said, "Are you looking for a job yet? Because I have one for you." My response was, "Well, not exactly, but what do ya got?" Cue 6 job interviews, my first ever salary negotiation, and...suddenly I'm taking a solo road trip to Texas!

  3. I joined a kickball team. Yes, apparently adults actually do play kickball and it's an enormous amount of fun when it doesn't rain out - which it did again today. Ugh.

  4. I officially transferred my church membership to Faith Lutheran Church in Plano. It is a wonderful, liturgical church that I love being a part of - even if my shy side still wants to flee for the hills as soon as the last stanza of the last hymn is sung. I'm working into being more active, it's just tough and probably something I'll never completely get over.

  5. Despite moving to Texas, I managed to make it to the apple orchard at home no less than THREE times! In case you don't remember why I love the orchard so much, this video I made a few years ago should help remind you.

    image Click to view

  6. Since the beginning of the year, I've lost 20 pounds. My goal to be more active, eat healthier, and drink more water, inspired by Bob Harper's visit to Rockford last year, was not intended to mean weight loss, but I am certainly not complaining!

  7. I've made some new friends who are totally in karaoke, and I've enjoyed getting a little braver and taking the stage a few times myself. It still takes a fair amount of courage or 'liquid courage' to get me up there, but it's always a blast.

  8. 2011 has been a year of change is SO many ways for me. I think it has been a good year, and I'm sorry so much of it has gone undocumented from a blog perspective. I'm going to set a goal to blog once a week from now on and see if I can make myself do it. I find I love going back to those little tidbits I captured, and I need to be more committed to writing. I've gotten so lazy!
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