in george soper’s 1907 account of tracing a small but perplexing typhoid outbreak back to one person, a cook named mary mallon (later dubbed “typhoid mary” by the press), he pauses to note that she was blond, blue-eyed and “had a good figure, and might have been called athletic had she not been a little too heavy
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Sorry, Sir Tim Hunt is a pig ignorant moron. Who, even as a joke, starts any anecdote with "my problem with girls is..." ? I mean, anywhere? Let alone in a room full of women, many if not most of whom are members of the press?
I have, like, four tabs open as a result of Googling "white feminism," so research is in progress, but I'm wondering if anyone on my flist can explain in small words and short sentences when white (sometimes "liberal" is thrown in) feminists became problematic
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Or maybe some jackass family member submitted it? Or the author herself wrote it in a tongue-in-cheek moment before her death?
Edited to add: So, I went to the obituary itself to see if the second paragraph mentioned that she was a well-loved author. Not so much
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