(no subject)

Jan 16, 2019 19:29

Quick Write

1/15/2019 - What makes you unique?

Am I really? I don't know what makes me unique. I wake up everyday, go to work. Come home, eat. Sleep. Put on my Bob's Burgers PJs and a hoodie.

I sing in the shower. I sing at work. I sing when I complain. I make bad jokes. I talk to myself. I collect toys even though I'm far into adulthood.

I watch the same three TV shows over and over, so much I can repeat episodes verbatim. I am a sister, a daughter, a niece, aunt--friend.

I drink bad cocktails. I smoke weed. I sleep in a bed every night with my dog. My dog, oh my dog.

I'm inappropriate. I'm sharp. I'm different.

Am I unique? I'm sure that's someone else out there like me.

1/16/2019 - Three Favorite TV Shows

How interesting I literally mentioned this in my last post.

The Golden Girls - Forever my number 1. So racy and controversial for their time. Pushing boundaries. Plus, it's just down right funny. Bea Arthur is a fucking queen. Brutally honest and her delivery of jokes has been matched by no other. Ever. Prove me wrong.

Bob's Burgers - I actually just started watching this show within the last two years or so but it overtook my regularly  watched shows. I watch it every night before bed. I think I like it so much because my dad worked in a restaurant. And it makes me think of what he could have done had he pushed and wasn't afraid. Yes, a mediocre restaurant. I also really identify with Louise, despite the fact she's a nine year old. I just see myself then and sort of now. It's hard to explain.

The Simpsons - Seasons 1-8 - Talk about the best show on television for it's time. There are so many references and things that were missed as a child but I've come around to appreciate as an adult. It had people like Conan O'Brien writing for it at it's prime. Talk about raw comedy. It went from being a cartoon sitcom to whatever the heck it is now. I have to give it to them though, they have adapted and changed to adjust to the times and you can't fault them for that.

Honorable Mention:

Seinfeld - what's not to like about a show with the worst people you know?

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