Just a brief update because I've been so out of touch recently, and posting helps me feel in touch:
Had an absolutely wonderful, delightful lunch with
shayheyred and
_aerye_ yesterday - another one of those gatherings that reminds me how very much I love fandom! Shay and I might even have convinced aerye to give Pros a try! I really think she'd like it .... not that I'm biased or anything :-D
Looking forward immensely to SHareCon this weekend. I'm not passionate about S&H, but I do enjoy it, and the S&H fans know how to party - I think this con will be a blast. Plus it's a local one for me.
The archive proceeds apace - in fact I'm getting very close to a launch date! Have uploaded about 950 stories so far ... about 100 or so more to go. For the most part it's been a real pleasure, and I've so enjoyed my interactions with the authors. What will I do when it's done? I'll be aimless and depressed, I'm sure ... post-partum blues. But my obsession with Pros shows no signs of abating, finished archive or no.
I've been reading when I have the chance. Finally read Crysothemis's True North, and last weekend I focused Kate MacLean's Pros fic. Very interesting. One of these days I'll write more about it.
Had another Vid Moment in the car this weekend - this time it was the 500 Miles song by the Proclaimers (I think), to which the Media Cannibals did that fabulous Pros vid. It was also part of the Club Vivid line-up at Vividcon this year. Again, hearing the song gave me a lift that lasted all afternoon.
Was in New Haven last week - Yale Law School had an entire day devoted to celebrating the achievements of my father-in-law. He's a German Jew, fled from Germany in 1939 at the age of 17 (his immediate family all survived, but much of the extended family didn't), went to Harvard Medical School and became a psychiatrist and psychoanalyst (did his trianing with Eric Ericson), taught at Yale Medical School, and then gradually began teaching at Yale Law School, and was a tenured law professor there for 40 years, though he never became a lawyer. He was one of the pioneers of interdisciplinary study; he taught and researched on subjects like family and reproductive law, but his biggest impact was probably in the area of medical ethics, human experimentation in particular (he was on the presidential panels that investigated Tuskegee and the radiation experiments) and the doctor-client relationship. He was one of the first to introduce and contemplate the idea of informed consent, which is a relatively recent concept, and he wrote one of the seminal books in the area - "The Silent World of Doctor and Patient." He's an amazing man, with an amazing mind, incredibly thoughtful and, as the ex-dean of the law school said, with an incredible tolerance for ambiguity (something I don't share, and that I greatly envy). He's ill now, but at least he was able to attend, and it was wonderful to see how many lives he's touched and the impact he's had.
And finally, the biggest RL news: I've made the decision to retire Griggs within the next 6 months or so, and I'm beginning an active search for another horse. This is a huge deal for me, and I've already begun the roller-coaster of emotions that seems inevitably to come along with horse searching. I'm certain I will have more to say about this in the days to come - that is, if I can bear to write about it ....