(no subject)

Feb 13, 2004 17:37

First, Happy Birthday Ardent! I think for your birthday you should write yourself some nice F/K smut .... and of course, once you write it you have to let all your friends read it! ;-) Seriously, hope you have a wonderful day.

Second, I seem to recall recently reading on someone's LJ a thorough and overall positive review of the Harry/Draco fic by Taratext called The Goodness of Their Hearts (which I enjoyed, by the way). I remember the review mentioning the silliness of the "torque" Harry wears around his neck and his six earrings, but also commenting on the many really nice aspects of the fic, including the nice portrayal of sex - it starts out fumbling and not-so-good and gets better.

But now, for the life of me, I just can't find the review. I feel like it was on an LJ, and ontheside's journal came to mind (I'm not sure why), but there don't seem to be any recent posts to that journal (despite the fact that I seem to remember seeing posts recently).

Anyone have any idea what I'm talking about? Can anyone help? Am I losing my mind?

ETA: Now don't I feel like a dope. Just about 2 minutes after I posted this I realized that I couldn't read ontheside's LJ b/c I wasn't logged in when I checked - the lj is friends only, though she friends everyone who friends her. Of course, the review is right there. Duh.

For those who do have her friended, the review is here.
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