Dec 19, 2005 23:40
I can't believe I go to school with some of my classmates. This is an institution of higher learning, albeit a crummy junior college. That means spelling is a valuable skill, my friends. And don't instant message me like this:
completeidiot: OMG i liek jst herd
completeidiot: dId U kNoW wAt hAPeNeD???!!!
...because I will block you. A spelling or grammar error is fine once in a while - we're all human. But that eggregious mispelling above, combined with the creative capitalization is inexcusable. If I sound like an elitest book-reading, dictionary-consulting, coffee-shop inhabiting bitch, then that's what I am. People who type lIeK tHiS should not be alive. They make me physically ill and will someday produce more incompetent children, thus unleashing a plague on society.
I hate the world.