Oct 08, 2007 22:11
Wherever do I begin? :D I started a post about a month ago and some computer fluke erased it before I finished and I just didn't have the energy to start over. I am using Karl's lap-top and I can't tell you how many times I hit the wrong key and *poof* I'm shutting the system down when I just wanted to send an email. Give me a clanky huge desk top anyday! (this, by the way, is my second attempt because AGAIN I hit some key and it erased everything, GAH!)
So tomorrow I am going to have surgery. I'm finally having the sex change I have wanted for so many years. I am so tired of feeling like a man trapped in a woman's body. Just kidding. :) I'm having my gall bladder out. I had an attack a month ago, damn did that hurt, and now they want to yank the offending organ right out of me. Its the first time I have ever had my insides tinkered with and I am so nervous. It made me feel old today, I went for the consult with the anesthesiologist and I was the youngest person in there by about 4 decades. They assure me its a very common surgery, it will be same day so unless there are complications I will be in at 8:30 am and out by late afternoon. My mother-in-law is here to watch the munchkin, thank goodness, this way I know we will both be taken care of. :) I love my husband and all but well, women seem to be better caregivers. Or at least in my case they always have been.
We have a new kitten added to our family, he's a peach colored tabby who is lying on my lap as I type this. I finally got my dream of 10 years, I got to name a pet "Squeegee". We were working at Blocks Bagels a lifetime ago and I was using a squeegee and said "Hey Karl, this would make a great pet name!" He thought I was crazy but after 10 years I wore him down like any good woman would do. LOL
Karl is back from San Diego, its nice having an in-home sex slave. Very convenient! You don't realize how much you like and miss sex until you don't have any! He's good for other things too, though off the top of my head I can't think of any! :D We just celebrated our 7th wedding anniversary and are nearing 12 years together.
I have a new career of the week. LOL That is what my neighbor is always calling my schemes and plans. :) I really don't have near as many as she would have people believe. I have been facepainting for about a year now. I do all the petting farm's events, Emmy's school & some birthday parties. Its for fun, I don't think I have accepting payment for any of the events I have done. :p Maybe eventually I will get to the point where I can actually get paid but for now its just a blast seeing the kid's faces when they look into the mirror after I am done.
Well, I guess this is all for now. I will update after the surgery and let you know how excruciating it was. ;)