Mar 07, 2005 17:06
today...i have to do a crap load of homework and clean the dang house and then cook! omg i cant stand it. o well i bran bran today. he is going to hang out with his friend before he leaves on wednesday....thats dont bother me none. school was alright. nothing big has happened. 14 days till spring break and 36 days till im 18! YES! there is also 40 or so days left in school for seniors! o yes i cant wait for that either...
now about what i am feeling...well...i really cant feel anything at the moment. some things have made me feel this way...prolly cuz the second i walked in the door..i felt like i was back in germany. i had 2 do homework....that was hard...i may not have a job at the moment but i will soon enough and im just thankful that school is almost over so i can think about work and home more. but of course i cant stop thinking about my bran bran. he told me lots of stuff last night that made me very happy. im sure the things i told him made him happy in some way too. all i know is that i didnt want him to leave last night. but of course there is the problem with dad and what not but im not worrying about that cuz soon enough i'll be on my own and there is nothing he can do about it....
tomorrow is my sisters sweet 16! im so proud of her..she has gotten this far and life and soon she will be an adult. when that day comes..i really dont know what i would do for her..i'll prolly get her drunk..just like bran bran wants to get me drunk for my b-day..well that and i want to so its otay in the end. she is soo excited even tho we cant do much for her cuz of the whole money issue. but i promised her that as soon as i get a job and have some money i would take her out...and yes bran bran ima take you out too so dont worry otay? anyways i gotta go and finish my homework for english..i gotta write a 3 page paper on Macbeth..smell ya laters