Writing, reading, thinking fan fiction vs. PTSD

Apr 09, 2010 18:19

Having come through what I can only dramatically describe as 'the closest thing to the hell that put me there in the first place', I'm back home.  I plan to stay at home, hold tightly to whatever passes for my sanity with everything I've got.  So how, you ask, am I going to do that? Write, read and think about fan fiction.  It is strange because today I read two DWP pieces by different authors where Andy and Miranda face the effects of PTSD, both with more courage and panache than I have so far.  But I'm taking my inspiration where I find it, taking it as a sign that on my first full day home with time to surf and read DWP fic. there are pointed reminders that I am not alone, and not only are there women dealing with similar situations, they are combining the work of healing with some of my favourite things :)

Now to get up the courage to actually start a DWP fic, could I do Miranda justice? Hmm.  It would be fun to break out a ball of ideas and bounce it around a little...
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