Monthly Update

Dec 15, 2010 21:16

That seems to be the way I roll - once a month only I remember I have a Livejournal account. So, what is there to tell.

The thing that I'm dwelling on at the moment is Virginia Woolf. Which is interesting since I can't honestly say that she is one of my favourite authors. The Bloomsbury Group, which she was a member of, seem to be more than a little pretentious by my estimations. It is more her pratice of journal-keeping that has caught my attention. Not only did she record the events of her everyday life but equally her musings and intentions for the fiction she was writing. I frequently find myself caught by sudden ideas which can change the direction of a piece I'm writing, yet rarely write these ideas down. I have now made it my resolution to do so. It seems so important in light of the fact that my seive-like mind might easily lose developments into the general smog of thought!

Other than that... well I'm home for the Christmas Holidays now and my roommate nightmare is over. I had been sharing a room (a bedroom no less) with another girl at college. Sadly we did not get on. It was always a fifty fifty chance that room-sharing would work, and unfortunately we were not compatible personalities. She's not going to read this so I can be frank. She was seriously rude! She used to chatter away in her own language all the time on skype and never turn round and say hi when I came into the room. She literally didn't care if I was alive or not. And to make things worse she liked to stay up late and I'm more of an early bird. Urgh, I'm so glad it's over. Next term I get my own room, so hopefully things will be much better.

In addition to this we're starting a module I'm particularly interested in! Victorian Literature! Horray! I get to read Oliver Twist! Which is something I've been looking forward to for ages. So watch this space for my next monthly update - or maybe I'll try to get on a little sooner....
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