Friends Only

Jan 01, 2010 00:01

Of course you can comment to be added, but you might want to think long and hard. Here's why:
~I'm only partially entertaining~
~I post about mundane life as a wife and mother~
~I cuss a lot~
~I'm liberalish and open minded, but have a knack for spewing intolerance at the intolerant~
~I'm entirely too honest about stuff you probably don't want to hear/read about~
~I'm intelligent, but tend to frequently bypass correct grammar usage~
~I am a military wife, but don't buy into any of the hullabaloo concerning how I'm supposed to conduct myself according to military spouse social standards~
~I tend to post lengthy spiels when I'm attempting zen~

If none of that scares you off and you still want to be pals, I only ask of you this:
~Be yourself, but don't share with me anything hateful, spiteful, or bigoted in any way (I might judge you for it and while that's an icky quality, it's my truth)~
~Be open to me and know that if you're here I will regard you as a friend and treat you as such. I expect the same courtesy. ---> However, even if we seem to have a lot in common, if you rarely or never comment I will remove you from my friends list. I find it unsettling to share and have others "watch" but not engage~

I will still continue to post publicly from time-to-time. So no fretting. :)
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