Worse than.....

Jun 09, 2009 23:21

You know what's worse than the fear of getting caught sneaking back into the house by your parents when you're a teenager? The fear of getting caught by your 8 year old son as you try to gingerly remove the tooth from under his pillow -a tooth that he strategically placed directly under the position of his head.
Crimony. One false move and 3 years of lies come crashing down onto Transformer sheets.

God Almighty.
We have a Toothfairy pillow that hangs conveniently exposed on the doorknob for such events. But my son decided that this time he haaaad to put it under his pillow. You know, the pillow upon which he sleeps that is on the top bunk that I can't reach without extreme stealth-like maneuvering because I'm only 5 feet tall.

I gave up at one point and crawled back into bed somewhat vindicated that I could have a satisfactory "See? I told you she wouldn't come if you didn't put it in the tooth fairy pillow" talk in the morning. But I had to try one more time because I knew it was important to him.

We had even argued about it before he went to bed. When I kept insisting he use the pillow designated for parental ease teeth he said "you're mean" for the first time ever. Neither kid has ever said that to me. Ever. Ever. Ever. He quickly apologized after my look of horror and a rather exaggerated gasp, but still. The words stung.
I swear, the damn tooth fairy has caused more problems in our household than Santa, the Boogie Man and the Easter Bunny combined.

Thankfully I managed to snag the tooth, but not without first sweating extreme bullets, gritting my teeth and smooshing my tits.

parenting, adrian

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