Mar 19, 2006 23:08
okay, maybe im just paranoid, or maybe im over thinking and analyzing things, i dont know. but lately ive seen/heard so many things and signs about school shootings and columbine and stuff where its creeping me out. like really. first i had a dream about it, then there were tv shows about columbine on tv, then i heard on the news about Rochester High School had a threat written on one of the bathroom doors saying "its going to be like columbine 2", then i had a random pop up about school shootings, then had another dream similar to the one i had before. im freaking myself out. its so weird. im always really cautious when im walking around school, and i dont even like walking in the halls during class by myself. i wonder what it all means? i dont know, i just have this scary gut feeling. ugh i dont like it.